Saturday, November 13, 2004
Back From OZ
It was nice to see mom again. But what was more fun was seeing four cousins whom I haven't seen in almost 6 years, my two cousin's kids, Kitty and YK (or better now known as Jaymie and Edwin these days) whom I took care of a lot when they were kids, who are now 19 and 22 and the two little boys of my other cousin who were toddlers when I last left in '98. Talk about a rude awakening of aging. Arrgh!
Six days went by really quick. Weather was perfect (for me at least tho' we all enjoyed the cloudy days) and the best part to getting such a big group together was updating me with gossips and events that have mom have overlooked on keeping me on track. Needless to say, I realize mom isn't all that into keeping updated herself! :)
A rather different experiance being in Australia without dad... I didn't enjoy having the sole person deciding on where, what and when but I suppose I was the only one who'd been there more than 0 times :) Mom just isn't in the state of mind anymore to lead... ok, she never was. Still, I had a really nice time. I only hope my cousins had a nice time too. I don't think the Melbourne is exactly a city for kids but hey, they're lucky to be there, let alone Australia.
Nice to be home tho'... gawd it nice to be home. Nice to be with the husband again and do our own weekend thing. As much fun as I had on this trip, it'll be awhile before I return again. Usually, it's only because i HAVE to.
Thursday, November 04, 2004
There Are More Stupid Americans Then I Thought... he acted swiftly for Florida during the hurricane... you think any other President wouldn't have done the same? It's an election year! You're all FOOLS. I'm glad I'm not an American for a change! People who voted for him can't see how regular people say he's stupid... errr, ever watched 'David Letterman?'. How about 'The Daily Show'? Even 'Jay Leno'! Tha man chocked on a pretzel!!! Hello?!
I'm not pro Kerry... I'm just anti-Bush. It's ok to be religious... but like my dad always told me, 'religion is a VERY personal thing'. You just don't push your believes on someone else. I understand there are many Christians (of all denominations)in this country. But to rule this country with a Bible is just wrong!!! It's simply UNAMERICAN! Praying before you go attack another country... I sure didn't need to know that!!!
I suppose in a way, it's good he's been elected again. He's got to deal with the b.s that's going on. But... more soldiers will die for GW's little you-tried-to-kill-my-dad war and more people will die 'coz stem cell research hasn't been funded. Americans are stupid!! That's all I have to say.
Monday, November 01, 2004
Back from Barcelona
For fall break this year, we did the unheard of and forfeited our annual August trip to Tokyo (which we have been doing since 2001) and decided on Europe, for a change. To say the least, we had an awesome time! We took the touristy route; took pictures like any tourist, did the city tour, some musuems, some shopping... and A LOT of food... wow the food!!! Namely awesome local food tho' we did escape on two meals for Peruvian and Malaysian food. Peruvian food was interesting a a nice change. Lots of meat and potatoes. Funny thing was, it was a Japanese looking lady (wife of owner, I assumed) and Chinese looking cooks!! It was interesting to find out from Bruce that there are actually a lot of Japanese in Peru. As for the Malaysian restaurant... the best Malaysian food outside Malaysia!! Bunga Raya had the best of all we tried. Definitely highly recommend. I doubt, however, that tourists would go all the way to Barcelona for Malaysian food... still, I wouldn't put it past us insane and greedy Singaporeans! Note that like all Malaysian/Singaporean resaurants, don't expect much personality in the restaurant or the service hahaha.
As for the local Barcelona/Catalian food, I can safely mention that Cal Pep is the best restaurant... not just in Barcelona, but in the world!!! You know I have been to a gazillion nice, interesting, awesome restaurants but this one sets a standard on it's own. The food, the crazy fast paced chefs, busy open kitchen (right in your face actually) concept definitely works here. Did I mention that the food is absolutely wonderful?!? Itsl definitely a restaurant worth a return trip to Barcelona.
The flight coming home was a little more eventful with a french woman sitting in front of us. The bloody geezer just refused to close her blinds to her window seat. Even after the flight attentend pleaded with her to do everyone a favor since it was movie time and it was difficult to see with this bright light coming in from her window. Nope, the bitch wanted to shoot the damn clouds with her videocam. Why are the French so damn uncoorperative and selfish?! And they wonder why the world dislikes them...
We returned after five perfect days (well, perfect except for when the husband almost broke his leg from slipping in the bathtub... fortunately he was 'genki' after some ice and the awesome bed in the hotel) only to need another vacation. :)
Friday, October 01, 2004
Another Girls' Weekend...
It's probably going to be too short a weekend to catch up almost 20 years of our lives but we'd settle for that. A few short phonecalls in the last couple of months just doesn't do it obviously. We are, after all, women!
I'm just glad at least Cherie and I have met up two years ago in Orlando where she lives with her family (nice hubby and three kids!! :D) and we're on the phone a lot catching up on how busy we are... well, she's REALLY busy, I'm just busy :)
I'm excited. It's off to the airport in 10 mins.
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Who Needs a Man???

HAVE PILLOW, WILL SLEEP: The Japanese, famous for their quirky inventions, have come up with another one : The Boyfriend's Arm Pillow. Consisting of a headless torso and a stuffed arm that curls around the sleeper, its maker says the pillow is not only an emotional comfort, but that its shape keeps the body balanced by supporting the sleeper from both sides. -- AP
Friday, September 24, 2004
Reality TV...
Drew is cute but what an unlikeable person on Big Brother 5. I suppose it was better then giving it to cowboy, the non english speaking moronic guy who seemed to have slipped under the radar to get to second place for a very rewarding 50 grand.
I'm no more a Bachelor or any of those who-wants-to-marry-me, you, he, she or it. I can't believe I lived through it with Trista... well at least she got married to Ryan. But I now think these shows are so stupid they make me feel silly sitting in front of the tv. Wstching just a bunch of think-they're-hotstufff waitresses/bartenders/gym or aerobic instructors and aspiring actors who want their 15 mins of fame. Gimme a break! Ok, so big brother isn't that far off and we grumble watching it. But it's one of our little tradition that been going on since our dating days... (yes you're right, excuses excuses :D)
Airline is still great and we have a good laugh every time we watch it. This past week, we saw someone that reminded me of my dad. Poor dude - that would the staff at Southwest Airlines :)
Amish in the City is FINALLY over. The city kids were unbearable throughout the show. Well, all except for Kevon tho' Reese, the gay dude from Mississippi claims he's a city kid is really yet another wanna-be. The Amish are one helluva odd group of people. No disrespect but as awesome as they claim it is, it looks like none of them were running back to Amish living immediately. All of them said MAYBE some day... yeah, like how I say 'yeah SOME DAY I'd return home NOT! :)
Survivor... so far so good. This is definitely another of our tradition so as long as it's running on tv, that's where you'd find us. But isn't the FBI dude in this season HOT hahahaha. Don't most of these big mouths learn from past seasons of Survivor? Control your gap and you'd be fine. Yet, day one you have idiots running their mouths. Fools!
Trading parents on fox, on abc... fun fun fun and hilarious. Boy, I thought there were disfunctional families in the US but wow(!) what an eye-opener. I knew there were stupid people in the US but WOW... I knew there were bad parents in the world but WOW!!! Makes for great entertaining tv though :)
The Apprentice is still way cool but I can't believe Trump got rid of Bradford (who is a real hottie also). Haven't seen last night's episode yet (DVR) but soon... gawd I hope stupid Ivana or dumbass Stacey got kicked out last night. Or weird Mr Peanut who insists on taking his bloody cane everywhere he goes.
I don't understand 'The Complex' so I won't waste time on that one.
Last Comic Standing is another waste of time. Americans seem to vote on who's cuter as oppose to who's funnier. Get a friggin' life already. The title says COMIC!! It's SO obvious the first season comics are SO much funnier and comfortable on stage. I am, however, glad that they got rid of caveman. Gawd, the thought of him sends chills down my spine. How can anyone hold a conversation with him much less think he's funny?!?!
I'm not watching that boxing one either. It's silly and I have a lot more interesting reality tv shows to watch then a bunch of beat up wanna-be boxers. The Benefactor... I'd give it ONE more chance. No on Next Top Model or any of those makeover ie swan-like shows tho' I'd admit I love the transformation parts.
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I'm Busy!!!
Granted, so some of you say I've been busy with absolutely nothing; I'm busy nonetheless :) People don't understand how not-easy it is to be a good wife AND love life at the same time. Okay, laugh all you want but my girlfriends say I'm a good wife - so I'd take their word for it. I am, after all, also a good friend. My husband tells me I am too - a good wife - and we all know part of being a good wife is to BELIEVE everything the husband says :D
Okay, the truth is, I've really been busy with playing Canasta on yahoo (as well as with the girls) and my new Sims 2. But more on those on later entries.
Monday, August 09, 2004
Southwest Airlines...? I Don't Think So!
Granted, it's been a few years since my (younger) Arizona days when jetting from Tucson to LAX or LAS for $99/RT was a great deal... and yes, it was a thrill for me (for awhile at least) that riding a plane was much like riding a public bus (no designated seats; not even when boarding passes are given out) except with goofy attendents who enjoy being wanna-be singers or stand-up comedians (is that really neccessary).
So go watch it if you're a big Southwest Airlines flyer. I promise you'd take the second option ESPECIALLY if you have connections to make to get to a destination. :)
Thursday, August 05, 2004
After All Is Said and Done...
Five days in wonderful-exciting-filled-with-more-weird-people-then-ever-too-hot-
lots-of-awesome-food (not just sushi, thank you very much) too-much-sake-
never-a-dull-moment, Tokyo.
Where in the world do you find THAT many people everyday, all in one day ALL walking in the streets, all taking the subway at any given moment, all eating, all shopping, all doing something or another that I'm doing?! Where and who in the hell goes to breakfast at 4am on a regular work day expecting the place to be PACKED?! What about the 42-way (ok I'm exaggerating but still it's a lot) crossing in Shibuya? Geez... and in that unbearable heat... GAWD!!! And what is it with those BLACK parasols that the Japanese ladies love to carry to shade themselves from the screaming sun. Ok, I'm also Asian... I know the deal... everyone wants to die a porcelain fair skinned mummy... but c'mon already, BLACK!??! Don't they know it's that very black non-water-resistent umbrella that's attracting ALL the heat!?!? Ouch :)
Yes, as usual, we had a wonderful time. What is it with flying first class that time seems to fly? Okay, so you get a perfect ice cream sundae made-to-order. So you have a couple of pieces of lobsters (big phucking deal!). You have these flight attendents tending to your every need... no it wasn't all that. I could have been flying coach. It was my gameboy hahahaha! The Sims Bustin' Out is AWESOME! :) Yes, I'm serious... but that doesn't take away my first experiance flying first class. It as SO sweet of Bruce to take the trouble to get us those perfect seats and it was a very nice experiance. Still, as far as I'm concerned, business class is good enough for me. I don't need to hav lobsters or smoke salmon while playing the sims hahaha!
The Grand Hyatt in Roppongi Hills is way cool. I certainly recommend it... BUT only to people who are familiar enough with Tokyo or you'd seriously get a distorted idea of the city. Roppongi Hills with filled with way too many westerners (gaijin). It almost doesn't feel like the Tokyo I'm familiar with like when we stay in Ikebukuro or Shinjuku... still, if i strike lottery (the big one of course), I'm buying us an apartment in Roppongi Hills. Why!? I LOVE the area, it has awesome restaurants, and it has a cool 24 hour grocery store. I am simply in love with ALL the grocery stores in Japan hahaha. If presentation if everything to you, you'd NEVER want to leave the land of perfect presentation for everything :)
We will go back in November. Ah, nice weather then. Back to staying at the small cubicle
Sunday, July 18, 2004
All Shopped Out!!!
It is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to be home. Gawd, it's so unbelievable how much I have come to love it here. Memphis or not, this is where our house is, where our good friends are and it's always nice to come home. Our bed... I don't care how awesome those beds in the hotels always claim theirs are, ours is the bomb!!! :)
We flew back on the red eye and arrived early saturday morning. Slept the afternoon away and was invited by our good friends out to sushi last night. YUM! It's always so nice to get together with another fun couple. I only wish there were more of them around. I guess I shouldn't complain. Some of my friends don't even have one cool couple to hang out with and we have THREE (even tho' one couple is moving away to the east coast SOB SOB SOB). Oh well, another friend to visit on one of my travels I suppose :) Plus I like their kids so it'll be nice to see them as well.
So six bags with matching wallets, one cool hand-carry for my future travels, some new clothing, stuff from crate and barrel and five pairs of shoes later, I'm ALL shopped out. I don't want to see another store or salesperson for a long long time. I'm not going to be in or for awhile... I'm contented and I love everything I purchased but holy crap, there REALLY is an extreme end of buy buy buy! No more... nore more shopping for me... till... Japan... in 10 days!!! Hahahahaha!
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
Return to Shopper's Paradise
Yesterday, Nora took the day off work and hung out with me all day. It was nice to be able to just gossip and laugh and SHOP - ok, that IS my life everyday anyway hahaha. Still, just to be around an old friend and talk about old times and hilarious memories. The shock of the morning was to see Nora drive. Yes, Nora who sat on my passenger seat constantly when I drove her around back home is now a two year graduate of driving in the streets of California. Hard to imagine. Of course, I was nervous many times but it was still pretty cool.
Dinner at Scotts in Oakland at Jack London Square was nice. I had the crab encrusted swordfish and it was absolutely wonderful! Even the white chocolate cheesecake was to die for. Bruce loved his sole and nancy enjoyed her salmon. I think mine was the best hee hee.
Today I'm going to San Francisco. I'd meet Mel after she gets off work which means I have quite a few hours to shop - surprise surprise. I'm TRYING to go slow but there really is very little diversion in the city. Oh well... and if we're lucky tonight, we'd get to have dinner at 'Slanted Door' again. It's been two years since we had our first meal at their old location (and it was awesome!) and since we've been reading so many writes ups since then, we simply have to go back there - granted we get an early reservation.
Got to start my day now!
Wednesday, June 30, 2004
Stupid Stupid Stupid
S'pore Chinese too ang moh, says ang moh - JUNE 30, 2004
Monday, June 28, 2004
The Heat... The BBQ... The Familiarity...
It was nice to see Melissa and Ben in SF. We had an ok meal at Sakana; it was impossible to make a last minute reservation anywhere with the influx of people for the gay pride parade... Margaret Cho was performing at the comedy club too and that's been fully booked for weeks ahead! Can't wait to catch up with Mel again on the gossips in a couple of weeks :)
We had a quiet Sunday. The husband stayed in bed on the computer most of the day and then accompanied me to the stores. Yes, it's nice to be driving on familiar roads, going to famialir places and eating yummy Memphis BBQ again. Hard to imagine this city girl can actually get used to and like it here... I'm sure my friends reading this back home would find it hard to fathom.
Well, it's yet another Monday - not that it makes a lot of difference to me what day of the week it is. Got to get back to my routine and back on the darn exercise machines somehow hahaha!
Friday, June 25, 2004
Don't Believe the Hype
when my very beautiful, wild and known for her party-girl status friend met this 'hot' american guy on the internet, within months, she flew to the u.s without letting her family know, met the guy physically and got married within weeks by some muslim official. he has since led her from her non-islam upbringing into one that is filled with religious classes and of course, her muslim sisters. she dons the head piece in the midst of a big not exactly cosmopolitan u.s city where everyone stares and she can't understand why and gets upset. she wears nothing that reveals her shoulders and anything that doesn't cover her calves. all she is allowed to show is her perfect features on her beautiful face and perfect complexion. she cannot do things she used to enjoy, like going dancing at a club even tho' her husband continues such acts. his excuse is because she is now a muslim woman and needs to know her place. all this for a man who vows to make her happy?!? how happy can anyone in their right mind be coming from a westernized country, middle class upbringing and once upon a time, of sound mind?!
when i went to visit and stayed in their living room, i realized her husband had gone through my luggage. yes, without my permission! at that time, she was banned by her husband from eating junk food. he took MY junk food out of my luggage and left it on the kitchen counter and said nothing. what a creep! when i told her this, she as-a-matter-of-factly told me that that's how her husband is. i was, obviously, horrified and disgusted.
when the club in bali was bombed and killed many, she called to tell me it was an act by the americans... so her husband tells her as he'd read it in a foriegn newspaper (but couldn't tell me which) and whatever her husband says is, of course, unquestionable. there is a reason why we are no more in contact...
why do good people end up with idiots might be a good question. or how do the muslim men find all the idiot non-muslims to brainwash then might be another good one. or why don't enough muslim women question their believes; or their parents'/husbands' believes...
questioning is a good thing and if a fool like me can do it, those people out there need to start as well.
Why Western Women Choose Islam - The Islamic Garden
Thursday, June 24, 2004
yesterday for lunch, we went to the 'swan oyster bar'. my my my... it's AWESOME. it's not one of those fou-fou places where they name their counter seats (raw bar) where you eat your oysters/seafood. this is downright basic bar counter that might seat 20 comfortably, cash only, and worth every cent of your money. the clam chowder is oh-so-good and the oysters yummy and creamy. i'd have to admit however, i'm used to the size of those down in new orleans but the ones out here sure don't lack the taste! the crab salad is seriously crab heaven. very very friendly servers/owners behind the counter. screw those take-out counters at fisherman's wharf. this is the real deal!!!
last night was early dinner at 'boulevard'. yet another very good eatery. new american food! the crab ravioli is unbelievable. it's not one of those places that you're there for quantity (you're not at the cheesecake factory) but the quality of ingrediants, the mix of taste is superb! the service is gonna' make you want to tip more than usual and unless you only have a party of two and are very early, don't even try to go there without a reservation. there is a reason why on a tuesday and wednesday, the best we could do was a 6:15pm slot.
today dad leaves... i'd start my shopping spree :) he's done his fair share of shopping; it's my turn. got my aim on some stuff at gucci, saks and neiman. i'd have to take my pick at two out of the three bags. of course nordstrom started their sale yesterday. decisions decisions!! ferragamo starts their sale tomorrow so that'll have to wait. speaking of which, two very african sounding black men walked into the ferragamo store yesterday when i was there asking in their very thick accent what their price range was. the hot italian sounding salesman took four almost embarassing repeats before he could understand the question. i was fun to look busy checking out this AWESOME fushia (the IN color for fall, by the way) tote and matching wallet and trying to not laugh aloud. i'm glad 'most' normal people understand me :)
i think we're having dim sum at yank sing today and who knows where dinner will take us...
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
Gay Pride Week in SF
so it's mid 60s, sunny, somewhat windy in the city... so what are we doing in the hotel room? i don't know... just one of those blah feeling days i suppose. i saw my dad... he shook my hands... yes he shook my phucking hands. WTF?!?!? no hugs no nothing. we were walking on our way from the bart to the hotel with our luggages and he asked if we'd just bought some new bags. HUH!?!?! i don't know if he's confused or was simply trying to confuse us... oh well, long story... bruce and i checked into the pan pacific (on the cross dresser package - we're not even asking so don't ask us) and it's a nice hotel... nice enough... at least the bedspreads have no freakin' flowers on them :) i hate flower print duvets!!! had a nice quick lunch at bruce's favourite sf restaurant, henry's hunan on broadway and sansome, got dad transferred out of the westin over to where we are and we so we're 'resting'. i should be out shopping but i suppose there is always time tomorrow to spend money.
bruce is watching tv. seinfeld. i'm slowly losing him to z-land :) the poor guy... came here against his own will hahahaha. he loves me :D
not much exciting going on as you can tell... i'd go take a nap. maybe i'd gain enough energy for another firm handshake in case dad might like to shake my phucking hands again; must be overly thrilled to see me.
Thursday, June 10, 2004
oddly enough, these adulterers are all products of cheating fathers. what would the phsychiatrists say??? they know it's a horrible thing to do i'm sure. they've got to; they have seen their mothers hurt and go through excruciating heartaches. yet, they're invigorated by this new man who brings excitement to their lives. i have tried to dissuade all of them. i told my caller last night that it was stupid and she wasn't being fair to her husband... but did she listen? she's decided they're going to take a short weekend rendezvous together. honestly, i think she told me last night in the midst of my deep sleep because the young, free and single me would have found this piece of news exciting. i might have even stupidly enough, given her that final jolt to think being happy in a marriage was the husband's job; not understanding what a real comittment, what true love, what hurting the person you love, the person who loves you back with all his heart might be go through when (not if) they found out. but i'm no more that girl... i'm a happily married woman who knows she's married the right man and the man of her dreams.
so why am i so upset by this particular call/caller? i mean, people cheat... i've known that for a very long time. but i haven't been able to go back to deep sleep since this call some six hours ago. i'm puzzled by my reaction... and i'm annoyed at myself for letting it affect me.
i warned her of the consequences... she's already talking about winning custody of her kids if the worst happens. she's gone off the deep end. i hope she doesn't update me in this relationship of hers. maybe she won't since i wasn't exactly being very encouraging over the phone. still, i seem to be the only person she claims she's told; someone whom she claims she can trust. well i told her i'd tell bruce - after all, he was sitting next to me in bed listening to all my response to her and knew exactly what was going on. after i got off the phone, all he said was 'are you the only non-cheating singaporean girl?'. i defensively started counting the girls who haven't. THREE. three of my close enough girlfriends out of more than 10 (the others cheated awhile back thus got my other response).
i wish people who cheat understand that having a relationship with someone else isn't going to resolve the problem with the person you're married to. i mean, you really don't have to be einstein to realize that right? i mean, it's a no brainer. they need to watch dr phil!
Tuesday, June 08, 2004
It's The King's Birthday!!!
Now that I'm married to this awesomely good man, I can see dad's point of view... I see the husband at times in my mil no matter how much he refuses to admit it. It's almost endearing sometimes how he claims he cannot be any more different. The truth is, this boy is his mother's son through and through. I love him for that. She's a very nice lady and I know she loves me because I make her son happy. How many daughters-in-law can honestly admit that or even know that. She's super nice to me, buys me little presents constantly (albeit not really my style, it's really the thought that counts) and says things that sometimes drives her son insane and makes me laugh. She's sweet, stubbornly independent and smart. She's in her 70s and still has a full time job. That's a lot more than what I can say for myself :s
Today is my husband's birthday! This must be the 7th birthday of his that we're spending together... where have the years gone? I know... the first two and a half years we were dating, the next one and a half I was chasing after him (hahahaha, yes, truly and hard!) and then eventually, he gave in and married me :D Life is good: for me and him, I know.
I haven't gotten him a birthday present. He seems to have it all. He has me, doesn't he :D I offered to get him a couple of things but he seemed bored with the ideas. A new cellphone (the one he has look like it's been through a whole lot; talk about a used and half damaged phone), a new set of golf clubs (since the fools in his Dallas apt stole it from his parking space when he had to pick me up from the airport when I was visiting from Arizona four years ago)... so here I am... no present for my favourite man on his day. :( Yeah I feel bad but I've tried. I did get a card though :)
I wished him a happy birthday at 1am when I woke up and heard him typing feverishly on this laptop. He's deeeeeeep in sleep now. It's only 4:58am. I'd go make some fresh fried rice for him. That should start his day well enough :)
Wednesday, May 26, 2004
My Friend Russ
You've Got to be Joking right?!
Yahoo! Top Stories - Death Threats for Unlikely 'Idol'
Monday, May 17, 2004
Another Year Older...
I came home from Lowes with a bunch of stuff... culinary herbs, fruits and vegetables, marigolds and little flowers that have no petals (I hate flowers with five regular petals) and just some color for our very dull deck. I figured being a year older now, I'd try something new instead of leaving the planting to my husband. BIG MISTAKE! The only smart thing I did was to go out there equipped with my gardening gloves (brand new from last year of course) - which are sitting in the thrash can right now. We had some leftover soil (or at least something black and ikky) and I poured them out onto one of those long ugly containers and bravely I dug into it with my gloved hands... it felt ok... and sort of planted the marigolds... ok, I have no idea how much soil I need so when Bruce comes home to the deck of terror, he might have a good laugh but hey, at least I tried. I stayed out there for a neverending 10 mins and I'm leaving the rest of the planting to Bruce... I'm sure he likes it a lot more than I do.
Well, at least after this experiance, I know one thing's for sure. One year older or not... I still hate the sun, I hate the feeling of it on my skin, I hate soil and flowers and plants of all sorts... I hate gloves that are not lined so your hands don't actually stay clean (what's the bloody point?!) and I hate gardening (even tho' it was just on the deck).
Maybe I'd try again next May...
Thursday, May 06, 2004
G'bye Mates...
Still, it was nice to see my family, spend time with them, shop and eat and shop and eat some more... story of my wonderful life! I should stop complaining about the people here... they can see my picture and they may hunt me down... they are after all ozzies and hunting is probably a big part of their life hahahaha! Boy do I sound like one of those ignorant Americans :)
I'm at the Melbourne International Airport right now and the guy sitting next to me thinks that these internet booths are phone booths chatting away on his cellphone complaining about how it's too noisy here. DUH! There are six people typing away around him and this IS the bloody airport right by the cafe and gates! Yes, Ozzie hahahaha!
Never mind all this bitching... despite all that, this is a nice place to visit - don't ask Bruce tho'!! :) It really is... shopping is good (not great, but good)... there are actually some cool Australian brands (Perri Cutten) to buy and they have very good Chinese food here. Steak at Lazar is good (I still like Ruth's Chris best!) but the service can be off on nights when John isn't in his normal cheeky mood. People have stopped returning solely for that reason.
Anywayz, I have to go enjoy my beef roll and orange soda so I can hurry up on the plane and sleep for fourteen hours. I tried to sleep as little as possible I could last night - I got 3 hours of z's - so that might help.
See all of you real soon!!
Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Lobsters and Steamed Fish For Breakfast
Yesterday, Kevin (my little brother) drove the entire family to the outskirts and visited some vineyards... it was an absolutely great day! The sky was really dark and cloudy, it rained super hard at one point and for the first time since Bruce's and my wedding almost three years ago, the Tay family was together again. I'm still a Tay by default after all. We all missed Bruce and talked about him (okay, namely dad and I talked about him hahaha) but it was nice for me since he's part of our family and I felt bad he wasn't with us. Of course, he might be tickled to even think my claim of him missing out on anything overly awesome. Can't say he loves Australia.
We had a sumptious lunch at this winery... oh before I go on, why do the Aussies call the appetizers 'entree' and pronounce the 't' in 'fillet'??? Why can't people just speak English?!?! Anywayz, to start, we had antipasta, grilled salmon and pan fried liver salad... everything was yummerlicious. Then the main course consisted of rabbit sausages (awesome!), steak (pretty darn good), grilled snapper (a little salty but good nonetheless) and an order of delicious pork confit. Can you believe we actually managed dessert after all this?!?! No wonder by the time we got home early evening, we all crashed for a couple of hours. In fact, mom and dad went to bed and never did return to join us three bozos for the evening...
It wasn't a very exciting evening compared to the last two nights where we all (except anti-casino Dad) burnt time and money at Crown Casino. It was riveting... so exciting when you're not gambling with your own money hahaha - dad is going to kill me if he ever reads this. ...instead, we ordered some ribs and pizza and watched 'The Italian Job'. I was loyal to Memphis ribs and passed on it hahaha... tried a slice of the meat lovers pizza from a local pizzaria... overly parmesaney for my liking. Not the best I've had for sure... Kevin and Geraldine loved it though, so that was good... I had some more steamed fish...
Oooh, the husband is on msn chat so it's time to chat with him... the rest of this blog entry will just have to wait.
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Land of Criminals, Accents and Smelly People
All that and fourteen hours next to the smelliest Australian jerk made me just want to turn back and say 'to hell with you bunch of criminals who speak funny and call Burger King, Hungry Jacks'. Gawd!
Yes, I have arrived. Albeit unpleasant stuck between that smelly jerk and the old man who insisted on sprawling his dwarfy arms and legs onto my side of the two middle seats, I'm glad I'm here in one piece and together with the rest of my family. Of course, after the initial speculation of my weight, color of my skin and new hair color/style, we headed straight to dim sum... or better known to some of you, yum cha. It's so nice for the entire family to be together except we're missing my little sweetie stuck at home on his own. I am NOT talking about the little black pug stuck back at home with Jo... it's my husband stuck home in Memphis, missing me... and I him, of course :( Hopefully, this will be the final trip I'm making on my own this year. It simply is no fun travelling without Bruce... forget what I said earlier when I was in Minnessota... forget liberation, forget freedom. I want my husband with me!!
So I lost a day flying here... which mean my intentions of staying for six days is actually incorrect. Accurately, I will be in Melbourne physically for five full days... a little short considering this ain't no China (hahaha, sorry Pegster, I don't mean you, I'm talking about China and the bloody fools there :D). But I suppose five days certainly beats no days...
We've eaten a couple of times already since my arrival at 9am... it's 6:30pm and dinner is in about an hour or so... I'm ready :) I've done some shopping and my brother and sister in law have bought me a coat and a couple of tops. Boy do I love my family hee hee... I know Marjorie, I'm a lucky bitch - so sue me :)
I'd be home in time to play bunco... in time to celebrate my birthday HINT HINT!
I promise to eat enough for all of you. I'd start swimming when I get back. I promise :)
Sunday, April 25, 2004
...but what happens to my bbq pork...
So you can mail your knives back to yourself. Who in today's world with a brain still carries a knive with you when you travel!? Why in the world would you need a bloody knife!? Especially knives passed down from gramma?! Get a life!! ...this is NOT a note to gramma nor my mother in law to give me any knives. I don't want anyone else's knives... okay, I wouldn't reject one from my sushi chef :)
Anywayz, my Mei Zhen Xiang bbq pork was seized when my sister in law mailed me some from Singapore recently... the canned pork came through, all my little Chinese New Year goodies came intact and even my dried prawn spring rolls were untouched!
Then this time coming back from China, I decided to experiment and brought some into the country. Yup, Mei Zhen Xiang bbq pork is sold in Shanghai too! Granted, I DID declare it in my customs form (and they wouldn't have stopped me if I didn't and yes, they got seized) but what I want to know is, what do they do with it?! The guy who asked me to remove it from my suitcase (Chinese guy from GuangZhou) did comment when he saw it 'oh, this is good stuff' and without shame and obviously annoyed, I replied 'no shit it's good stuff!'... but who's to say they don't eat it right there?! No self-rspecting Chinese of sound mind would throw away good vacuum-sealed Mei Zhen Xiang bbq pork... not when he knows just how good it really is!!! - Save your knife, mail it back to yourself - Apr 23, 2004
Friday, April 23, 2004
Verlinda from MLGW... Arrrgh!!!
GAWD!!! If a person really needed to win the Corporate Spelling Bee last night, it was Verlinda... whether she's the meter-checker, the person we all dread to speak to in customer service, or worst, holds a high enough position to mean something to the company/city, or just someone the company hires to take part in this annual contest (I believe this last reason is it of course) I believe everyone who'd stayed (too late) to watch the MLGW team win this supposed 'charitable event', either wanted to see Verlinda jump three feet high on the make-shift stage when she won or more than likely, waited with feverish anticipation to see her misspell a word and then crumble to her defeat. Okay, so I did... wouldn't you if you had this rather man-looking-woman-creature who, for every word she spelt correctly, acted like she was crowning herself King (not Queen, thank you very much) and with no one really cheering her on but herself... with such spunk, I might add. Arrrgh! Talk about needing a life!
Still, there was no doubt her team would win from the get go. The moment I walked in, saw her team mate first, an Indian guy (yup, the ones with the dot) and then her, I knew we were doomed - our team was simply way too cute to withstand the competition... the third member MLGW, a black lady who'd brought her entire hometown and out of state friends (who sat behind us) was basically a non-participant. Of course, with Verlinda as captain, there was no need to confer if her way of spelling a word was right... GAWD FORBID she wasn't sure!
BUT... WE got most of the prizes for the audience participation. Yes, AUDIENCE participation... who joined? Mr Dot and Ms I-Can-Spell-Every-Bloody-Word-On-Earth. Still, the fat Chinese girl beat the ugly girl and the Indian dude. Take that!
Monday, April 19, 2004
I'm home... well, kind of... least at the Narita Airport, people are civilized and polite. Those damn Chinese, I swear... I figure if I wanted to say anything about the Chinese, I'd better leave the country before saying anything hahahaha - and certainly not on my buddy's computer :D
But what is up with those people... it's just every single thing. The way they drive (or can't), the way they walk one path with blinders and certainly no fear of walking right into other's diameter of comfort?!?!?! GAWD... I swear if I don't try to avoid them, they'd slam right into my face (no wonder Chinese people have pan-faces hahaha) and of course it'll be the damn foriegner's fault. Bloody Chinese! And what about the tone of voice... every conversation sounds like a public rally or an argument... (of course I may be a little guilty of that myself sometimes hahaha, it's the damn Chinese blood in me) and is there enough oil and salt in the food in Shanghai... and even so, where the hell are the fat people?!?!?!? Yeesh!
I met maybe two decent Chinese on my entire trip. I mean the locals of course. If you're a westerner ie, if you're white, you'd absolutely think what the Chinese let you believe - that you're superior. Oh puh-lease!!!! IDTS!! (I don't think so!) I'm glad I'm just a damn foriegn Chinese and look Filipina, Hawaiian, Indian, Mexican, hey anything but a Mainlander!!!
It's cheap here for internet connection. Only 100 yen for 10 mins so there is a line of Americans bitching behind me... do I care?! Hahahaha! There's that Chinese in me hahaha.
Ok, time for not so good ramen and buying crap...
As a Southerner would say... 'ba ba Shangha'...
Well it's the morning of my departure. In five hours, I'd be leaving on a jetplane, don't know when I'd be back again... hahaha. Kiddin', I will return... with Bruce in tow.
It is now 3:54am. The air in here is hot and humid... Peggy and I stayed up till past midnight laughing the night away. I'm going to miss everyone in this household; they've been the perfect host (see Peggy, now the whole world knows :D) and they showed me a great time in Shanghai, fed me well (boy did they seriously feed me well!!!) and made me feel very comfortable in their home. Thank you Johnny, thank you Peggy, thank you little Marcus.
Gawd, I dread the flight home... especially the Shanghai-Tokyo leg. I suppose I'd be too tired to deal with the locals and try to get some z's. No one had better mess with me today and hopefully, no-two-old-couple-trying-to-get-it-on-sitting-next-to-me like my flight here. I swear I'd whip out my video camera hahaha!
Well, this is it... I should be home with my next entry. Oh I forget I do have a 5 hour layover in SF so maybe I'd have time there like I did in Minneapolis...
Saturday, April 17, 2004 I really in Shanghai...
It's a beautiful morning. For those who know me well enough, you know it's cloudy and even better, raining heavily. Waking up to such harmonious pandemonium warms my heart. Sitting here right under the sunroof, listening to the intense patter of the rain on this third storey of the house makes me remember my days growing up in Singapore... where rainy days meant waking up even earlier and enjoying the day because it would be much cooler and somehow, romantic - yes even to an 8 year old girl. of course, I'm just remembering that I'd also just put out my laundry out in the backyard to dry yesterday evening... arrgh!!
It's been so fun spending time with Peggy, Johnny and Marcus. Marcus is slowly warming up to me and I, him - imagine that ha! Spending time with Marcus, I realize that motherly instincts just is not an inborn thing in me. It's probably funny to some of you and certainly more odd to the others, but I'm not complaining and I certainly haven't got a need for it hee hee.
On Friday, after a very un-Chinese breakfast of bacon, ham and toast (but adding Maggi Tomato Chilli to it certainly is hahaha) and getting the boys out to work and to school, Peggy and I spent a lazy morning grocery shopping at CarreFour then just catching up with news, gossip and more memories. Boy, do we laugh when we're together. It's so awesome that after so many years of not seeing each other, we definitely appreciate our days back in school and being able to spend time together now as married, mature (we try) women... we really haven't changed that much, we agreed.
We had lunch with Peggy's cousin, Wendy and a few of her colleagues from Singapore Airlines, at the very nice and modern Pudong Inter-Continental Hotel restaurant. Talk about a typical spread of wonderful seafood - yes, yummy fresh oysters that I love too - beef tenderloin, sushi, sashimi, trout, made-for-you-on-the-spot satay and a never-ending spread of very Asian dishes including the best Chinese sweet and sour pork I've had in my life (sorry ma :D). I certainly felt like I was back in Singapore with this stretch of familiar food.
We hung out for quite a few hours here. Yes, I know most of you are not surprised. But it was namely because we were engrossed with the flight stories we were told by these flight attendents and one pilot. Talk about the dirt that happens while you're asleep on a plane! I'm keeping my camera/video recorder out on my flights next time! Sex, violence (okay not that much violence) but certainly death and... "doo doo doo doo" (theme from Tales of the Crypt)... Ghosts! After that we took a drive out to who knows where 'coz the Singaporeans and Malaysian wanted to get dvds, pirated, of course! Yes, I'm definitely hanging out with the in-group hahaha! So we went to this unpaved street where Peggy very quickly realized after several missed turns that her prediction that her favorite dvd store is closed was wrong;, the store had been demolished. I suppose it's not just in Japan that stores just disappear hahaha! Fortunately, the same guy put out a small collection of his products outside a fishing store next to this very coarse woman selling china dishes of Mao and what she insists are antiques I should buy. While the crew checked out dvds, I bargained a brass opium pipe and a plate that I believe was thrown in sand and mud just to impress stupid tourists like us that it's old all for the price of four whole dollars. Yet, the highlight of this trip here was running into the public toilet with Peggy, giggling and trying SO hard not to laugh and breathe, and take pictures. All six little cubicles filled with traditional toilets ie, hole in the ground (which is no big deal really), but these cubicles had no doors!! And you can forget about toilet paper!!! Welcome to China. My advice is, find a really nice hotel if you really have to go.
That night, Peggy and I took a cab to Pu-Xi (pronouced Poo-See HAHAHAHA) and checked out Shanghai's night life. Much like a lot of the night life in Asia, it was filled with lots of wannabe locals, expats and women who wanted to be with them. We ended up at the bar at Sasha's... a rather big bungalow-like building that lacked any personality bar/restaurant and a new Mexican Cantina next to it (same pompous Australian owner, Ian) on the corner of Heng Shan Lu (the stretch of road where houses bars, restaurants and more bars). We stayed quite a few hours till almost 1am. After seeing a guy take a one hour nap on the bar followed by downing the ashtray right before he left, we knew it was pretty much time for us to leave... we then headed to Lan Kwai Fong. For season travellers and party-goers, you'd be familiar with this name I'm sure. Lan Kwai Fong is an area in Hong Kong where much like Singapore's Boat Quay or Collyer Quay, is the place to hit if you want some excitement. Our favourite bartender of the evening Joe, who spoke great English (he actually said "SHIT" when his fellow bartender messed up hahaha) hailed us a cab and directed the cab driver where to take us. Apparently, the community, I believe is all inside Parc 97 and houses quite a few bars/restaurants in here. From what little we saw amongst the crowd and big people, there was a sushi bar, an Italian restuarant and a very happening dance floor that there was no way two smart sobering 30-something year olds were going to join. We hopped on a cab past 2am, avoided a couple of fatal accidents (all part of being on the road here in Shanghai) and got home in one piece. PHEW!
Yesterday, the entire family spent a nice day out. We started the morning early with some touristy stuff; sight-seeing/picture taking, followed by a perfect brunch of magnificent dim sum at the Shang Palace in Pudong Shangri-La Hotel
We then headed to XiangYang market where the headquarters of fake merchandise is exchanged. It was jam-packed with foriegners and oddly, locals too. We decided that monday morning was a better time for Peggy and I to come without the boys who were bored stiff; we could tell one of them was losing his patience very quickly when he commented innocently that he did not fancy crowds :) We headed to Raffles City where I was again awed by the fact that I did not feel like I was in China. Where were the bikes on the streets, the beggars, the broken huts and unpaved streets. Sure, I saw this in parts of my travels but so far, Shanghai has been quite a rude awakening to my image of China!
At Raffles City/Raffles Square, where Singaporeans congregate, of course you'd find FOOD! At the basement, on the top floor, food galore! I managed to get some Mei Zhen Xiang bbq pork (how I'm going to go through US Customs, I have no idea) and full as we were, scoffed down yummy much-like-home mee rebus, black chai tow kway and Old Chang Kee style curry puff. For someone who lives in Tennessee and craves Singapore food constantly, this meal had already dissolved all pain and suffering from my flight here hahaha!
We'd had plans to spend all day and night out but by the time we'd all bought shoes, ate way too much (and I didn't even mention ice cream!) we were all ready to come home for a nap.
Last night, we babysat marcus (well, sort of... it was more like he babysat us hahaha) while Johnny tended to a business dinner. We engaged two masseuse to the house for two full hours of massage each. It was absolutely overwhelmingly amazing. We both got our massages on the same bed with Marcus between us watching Thomas the Train on dvd (if only he knew just how lucky he was hahaha) and between our giggles and yelping out in pain, we carelessly slipped into deep sleep only to be awaken by baby farts from Marcus - well the farts were from a baby, not necessarily baby in magnitude hahaha! Two long hour massage house calls for a total of less then $20 for both of us. The most beautiful part of it all, they declined being tipped! Where am I?!?
So here I am... the beautiful morning has now changed into what seems like slight drizzle and I'm sure intense humidity. Arggh! Time to go get dressed. Wow, these people can really sleep hahaha!
Thursday, April 15, 2004
I made it!!!
After what seemed like at least 40 hours on five different planes - ok, maybe
not five... I finally stepped foot onto the 'mother land' hahaha. Yes, China... now I can proudly say I've been here and no one can doubt my ethnicity... well, other than the Filipinas, the Hawaiians, the Native Americans (don't know which tribe they associate me with tho') and the Indians; yes the ones with the dot too!
Immigration was a breeze. They didn't speak to me (probably didn't want to with the way I looked) and of course I remained being my coarse and rude Singaporean-self :) While walking towards the baggage claim area and checking excitedly on yet another new stamp in my passport, I hear, "T.Y.Y!!" Horrible flashbacks of my fat (yes contrary to your believe, I am NOT the only fat Chinese woman to be alive...) high school Chinese teacher back home using my Chinese composition book as a Frisbee across the room... arrgh! Fortunately, it was insane Peggy... my partner in crime, my pal who enjoyed many a class at Nan Hua Secondary School laughing over the silliest stuff (including the hairstyle of our human social biology teacher that got us in trouble), my friend since I was 16+. ...Watch out Shanghai!!!
After all the hoopla of getting char kway teow from her cousin, a flight attendent on Singapore Airlines (yes, fresh fried noodles from the real deal) -
and taking a really fast drive home on a VERY empty and very clean highway, we were home... and yes did we ever dive into those noodles. Gawd I can still taste that wonderful oily sensation in my mouth even after six hours of deep sleep hahahaha. Now THAT is food :)
It's my first morning here and I just heard Marcus, Peggy's 3 1/2 yr old son calling out "MUMMY" so I guess Peggy and Johnny will soon be up and then it'll be my turn to bug them...
Till my next entry, zai jian!
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
Burning time...
I've been gallivanting around the St. Paul Int'l Airport now for what feels like 15 hours... as many stores as this place has, you can only get so many magazines, bottles of water, packs of Cheetos and Frappucinos... three more hours to go and I'd be on my way to Narita... of course I probably won't have time to get a bowl of ramen, certainly not ramen from Shinjuku... still, if I get some, it'll beat all these Chinese/Japanese wanna-be eateries out here...
I really am having fun hahaha! No really. It's been awhile since I've traveled alone and despite not having the comfort of having Bruce with me and taking care of EVERYTHING, it's kind of liberating I suppose... ok, it hasn't been that long since I last traveled on my own.
OK, at $5 for five minutes and this crappy keyboard, I'm sure this entry will be the most expensive entry I'd ever make...
I'd be back once I get another chance to be on another computer. A bloody free one I hope!
Monday, April 12, 2004
Easter weekend in Seattle
Amazingly, we made the flight despite the 25 mins mad dash to the airport. No no, I was not driving; so the rest of the Memphian drivers were not at risk.
In the midst of the flight, I realized we were actually on our way to Seattle NOT TOKYO. Yeesh... talk about a rude awakening! I'd packed for hot hot weather... not the pacific northwest in early April. Fortunately, it turned out to be a blessing (arrgh, and I thought I could have gotten a nice coat out of this mistake hahaha). Seattle was beautifully clear (we could see Mt. Rainier!) , breezy and sunny at all times at 70 degrees farenheit. It was nice walking around the city and not having to sweat. My kind of weather... although some cloud would have been nice too! Yes, you all know how I LOVE cloudy days...
Seattle was awesome. My very unmatching and unstylish outfits I'd packed (in my half-awake mode) made me fit right in with the locals (don't think I looked butch enough however hahaha) and of course my rather unattractive but so comfortable 'Born' shoes helped.
It was nice to spend an evening with the Schultze's and listen to all the updates of the god-children's lives. Great kids! William is now taller then me... and Emily is a serious beauty at 14 and 5'9". Oh, and their new house is awesome! We also got to meet Chloe, the new pet dog.
Top Looks/Laughs:
1. The look on Bruce's face when I told him to throw the blanket we got on the plane onto the floor and he thought I'd told him to throw his trash onto the floor. Talk about an annoyed plus disgusted plus a what-are-you-a-barbarian-look he gave me hahahaha!
2. My big faux pas forgetting that we were in very politically correct Seattle, I shocked and almost made the sales girl (or whatever they're called in that neck of the woods) cry when I told Bruce that the yellow pair of shoes he was trying on would match his very yellow wife. Talk about a look of disbelief on her. Made us laugh though. Okay, made me laugh.
3. The look on both our faces trying so hard not to laugh out loud when we saw an Indian man (from India, the ones with the dot, not the casino-owning-kind) about 75 years old standing at the bus-stop with a VERY small SpongeBob SquarePants rolling backpack, almost too short for him to pull.
4. When a man came up the bus with a garbage bag filled with non-garbagey stuff. Reminded us of Bruce's ingenuity (well, that's his claim at least) back in his working days in Tokyo when he used to pack his laptop in a garbage bag to go to work everyday. I rest my case.
I'm sure I'd think of more later...
Nishino's was AWESOME! We did the omakase dinner for the both of us and ordered the uni and the madison roll. I now understand why Americans think they don't like uni... nevertheless, it was really really good new Japanese cuisine. The best crab cakes I have ever had... the combinations of flavors these guys come out with is unbelievable. Made my eyes roll back with every bite I took. Definitely a recommendation. Plus Bruce was able to get a quick reunion with Mr and Mrs Nishino, and they actually remembered him much like the guy at the shoe store where we almost made the girl cry... so he was happy.
Lunch at Shultzy's Sausage was awesome too! I had a yummy Dr Bubba Burger (named after Bruce's dad) and the best crunchy fries in the world - and you all know I've had some serious fries. Bruce had some gumbo and hmmm, I guess i was so into my own meal I forget what he was having. But I do know it was really good!
A quick oyster run at Emmitt Watson's oyster bar was so-so. A typical hole in the wall kind of place... dirty, nonchanlant kind of service and oysters that were okay. Of course, I'm being unfair as to comparing to the eons of oysters that we down in New Orleans and Australia. Still, you can't pay me to go back there.
I missed my deep fried gizzards at Pike's place market this time... but we did manage to get our beef curry hum bao. YUM! We also got some very sweet and delicious muscat grapes, some naval oranges and red and yellow pairs that were in season. Can't wait to return to Seattle in the Summer when we can get some of those oh-my-gawd-peaches.
Wednesday, March 31, 2004
Hi, it's me
This is my posting. I am QOMT - queen of the tortoises! I'm going to talk about some things... stuff that offend me, make me smile, make me laugh out loud (and you all who know me know that I do that A LOT)... but mostly crap that wouldn't interest people but me and a very small group of people who think weird like I do... enjoy 'coz I sure am gonna...