Thursday, June 10, 2004


In the last eighteen months, three of my girlfriends from back home who are each sitting on a different corner of the world have called to ask me 'can you keep a secret'. yes i can if i want to geez... but why are they all calling ME to tell me they're cheating on their husbands??? it's discouraging, disgusting and honestly, i'd rather not know. it's not hot gossip to me and i'm wondering where did i go wrong in picking my friends when i was a kid. i mean, i've known these girls for at least a decade!

oddly enough, these adulterers are all products of cheating fathers. what would the phsychiatrists say??? they know it's a horrible thing to do i'm sure. they've got to; they have seen their mothers hurt and go through excruciating heartaches. yet, they're invigorated by this new man who brings excitement to their lives. i have tried to dissuade all of them. i told my caller last night that it was stupid and she wasn't being fair to her husband... but did she listen? she's decided they're going to take a short weekend rendezvous together. honestly, i think she told me last night in the midst of my deep sleep because the young, free and single me would have found this piece of news exciting. i might have even stupidly enough, given her that final jolt to think being happy in a marriage was the husband's job; not understanding what a real comittment, what true love, what hurting the person you love, the person who loves you back with all his heart might be go through when (not if) they found out. but i'm no more that girl... i'm a happily married woman who knows she's married the right man and the man of her dreams.

so why am i so upset by this particular call/caller? i mean, people cheat... i've known that for a very long time. but i haven't been able to go back to deep sleep since this call some six hours ago. i'm puzzled by my reaction... and i'm annoyed at myself for letting it affect me.

i warned her of the consequences... she's already talking about winning custody of her kids if the worst happens. she's gone off the deep end. i hope she doesn't update me in this relationship of hers. maybe she won't since i wasn't exactly being very encouraging over the phone. still, i seem to be the only person she claims she's told; someone whom she claims she can trust. well i told her i'd tell bruce - after all, he was sitting next to me in bed listening to all my response to her and knew exactly what was going on. after i got off the phone, all he said was 'are you the only non-cheating singaporean girl?'. i defensively started counting the girls who haven't. THREE. three of my close enough girlfriends out of more than 10 (the others cheated awhile back thus got my other response).

i wish people who cheat understand that having a relationship with someone else isn't going to resolve the problem with the person you're married to. i mean, you really don't have to be einstein to realize that right? i mean, it's a no brainer. they need to watch dr phil!