GAWD!!! If a person really needed to win the Corporate Spelling Bee last night, it was Verlinda... whether she's the meter-checker, the person we all dread to speak to in customer service, or worst, holds a high enough position to mean something to the company/city, or just someone the company hires to take part in this annual contest (I believe this last reason is it of course) I believe everyone who'd stayed (too late) to watch the MLGW team win this supposed 'charitable event', either wanted to see Verlinda jump three feet high on the make-shift stage when she won or more than likely, waited with feverish anticipation to see her misspell a word and then crumble to her defeat. Okay, so I did... wouldn't you if you had this rather man-looking-woman-creature who, for every word she spelt correctly, acted like she was crowning herself King (not Queen, thank you very much) and with no one really cheering her on but herself... with such spunk, I might add. Arrrgh! Talk about needing a life!
Still, there was no doubt her team would win from the get go. The moment I walked in, saw her team mate first, an Indian guy (yup, the ones with the dot) and then her, I knew we were doomed - our team was simply way too cute to withstand the competition... the third member MLGW, a black lady who'd brought her entire hometown and out of state friends (who sat behind us) was basically a non-participant. Of course, with Verlinda as captain, there was no need to confer if her way of spelling a word was right... GAWD FORBID she wasn't sure!
BUT... WE got most of the prizes for the audience participation. Yes, AUDIENCE participation... who joined? Mr Dot and Ms I-Can-Spell-Every-Bloody-Word-On-Earth. Still, the fat Chinese girl beat the ugly girl and the Indian dude. Take that!