Wednesday, April 14, 2004

Burning time...

I've been gallivanting around the St. Paul Int'l Airport now for what feels like 15 hours... as many stores as this place has, you can only get so many magazines, bottles of water, packs of Cheetos and Frappucinos... three more hours to go and I'd be on my way to Narita... of course I probably won't have time to get a bowl of ramen, certainly not ramen from Shinjuku... still, if I get some, it'll beat all these Chinese/Japanese wanna-be eateries out here...

I really am having fun hahaha! No really. It's been awhile since I've traveled alone and despite not having the comfort of having Bruce with me and taking care of EVERYTHING, it's kind of liberating I suppose... ok, it hasn't been that long since I last traveled on my own.

OK, at $5 for five minutes and this crappy keyboard, I'm sure this entry will be the most expensive entry I'd ever make...

I'd be back once I get another chance to be on another computer. A bloody free one I hope!

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