Sunday, February 03, 2008

Keeping Myself Busy

Just like I have since I was a kid, moving anywhere new hasn't been too hard. Memphis was quite an exception but that's history. Yes, with the numerous moves in my life, mostly inter-continental (lol), this one has been smooth. I have made new friends online, met up with them a few times and what do you know, they're not weirdos (yet!) - of course, I might be the weird one lol. Actually, everyone I have met have been very nice and helpful; and when they say 'let's get together' or 'we'll have you over', they actually mean it and act on it! I've been busy... so much so that I have not gotten around to meeting up with a good friend of mine who went to college with me eons ago in Massachusetts. Of course, maybe it's because she's got a 3 yr old and is five months pregnant (my friend, not her kid hahaha!) so she's not at home twiddling her thumbs either! But I've gone shopping for Mia (the three year old) and I'm heading out to the surburbs tomorrow and seeing my friend Miwako. It's so exciting. It's been ages since our days of taking the bus to Springfield to pig out on Chinese food :)

Besides that, I'm also the organizer to Seattle's brand new Singaporean Meetup group lol! Lord knows what that entails but for now, I have an event posted so we'll see how many people sign up for that. But there is actually a bigger group of us here (we had like four other Singaporeans in Memphis and three weren't so exciting) so it's all new to me being able to hang out with my countrymen again. I have already met one and she's very nice and we've had a couple of very successful meet ups - so I'm optimistic.


Anonymous said...

i'm quite weird :P

Karen said...

nah you're not weird at all! i have heard of some scary weird ones from other friends :) usually creepy men lol!