Saturday, February 23, 2008

Just A Few Questions...

How do the garbage trucks here not stink while the ones in Singapore you can smell from a mile away!?
Why do some Singaporeans pronounce certain words so funnily? Like... kentucky as tun-tah-kee, vomit as womit, 'how may I help you' as 'how may I help-choo'... the list goes on and on and on... :)
Why do so many Americans have such horrible handwriting while the Japanese mostly have similar penmanship?
How is it possible for me to dislike someone from just looking at the person - I don't know why honestly lol!
Why are young people (below thirty) always in a hurry to get married?
How can some people not love food?
How in the world did I get so lucky?

Yeah... these are just a few of the questions in my head right now :)


Anjuli said...

some great questions....I always wonder about the 'how can some people not love food?' or better yet- "How can some people forget to eat??"...I have some friends who are like "Oh my- it's 6 pm and I forgot to eat today!" Uhm.....hello??? How do they do that??

These are just some of the things I ponder.

Anonymous said...

Garbage trucks stink in humidity. That's my theory, but I'm no scientist.