Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A New Blogger

My crazy friend G finally started a blog called 'Foodies R Goodies'. Yes, of course it's a food blog DUH! I'm excited 'coz all this time I've been trying to get her to use flickr, and have a blog of her own, is finally showing results :) Sure, I kind of forced her into using flickr but hey, as long as it works, what's twenty over bucks between friends right?!

Right now, I'm trying to get her to own a personal blog. She doesn't see why she should air her dirty laundry but I'm trying to convince her that it's even more fun trying to dry other people's laundry lol! She hasn't turned me down (yet), so there is some hope :)

All this talk about blogging has gotten me reading more blogs that I don't usually subscribe to and seducing me to start my own food or travel blog... but right now, I think I'll just concentrate on this one. I can't even handle one. I mean, I think I'm doing well for the month of March but who knows how long this will sustain :)

1 comment:

Gen said...

Hahaha, yes yes I finally have a blog ... no blackmailing from QOMT, it is just so nice of her to get me the flickr pro and got me addicted (for the moment)!!! One fine day I will start a personal blog and start bitching ... hahaha, at this moment just like me concentrate on this one cos I am still in the 'infant' stage and I have a loooooooooong way to go.