Thursday, March 29, 2007

Maybe The King Isn't the Most Loved

Despite the high ratings I've gotten from my friends about the king, my husband the teacher, I realized now that no matter how nice a person is, there are people out there who will hate your guts. Why do you think I resist being nice hahaha! People are gonna' call me names anyway, so I might as well enjoy being a beeeeeeee-itch(!) - and believe-me-you, life is much more fun and exciting this way.

So who hates the king? Hmmm... namely stupid people who are threatened by his brain. I'm not bragging here but he does have a crazy awesome brain - the personality is just a boost lol! I don't know if I should be writing this but shit, if he doesn't care that I write about his family, then I can write about people he works with hahaha. ...and if you get to read this and it disappears later (yes, of course I will put up a fight to keep this entry up hahaha), but if it disappears, you know why... Hopefully, he'll just laugh and ignore it like all my other horrible write-ups about his mom, my mil and sister, sil.

Ms 'Life's-A-Wrath' (her name sounds close to that) at work is a mess! She works for the PR department. I think she's some form of web person... or she heads that department or something like that... she has some form of job for the school and she guards the bloody computer with her p**** hahahaha! Ok she doesn't but it's funny to write it. She's just bloody clueless! Yes, she makes a lot of money (and she doesn't work on Fridays!!!) - certainly a lot more than the mere teachers in this school who shapes the mind of future leaders (lol ok I'm being dramatic here) - and yup, knows next to nothing about her job - yes, I do believe EVERTHING the king tells me lol! She hates the king's guts (lol) and whenever she wants anything done or changed ie, changes on the school's UNOFFICIAL blog ('unofficial' 'coz the school, meaning she and dumbass headmaster the prick - did not like the idea of the king starting a blog for the parents of kids in the 7th and 8th grade without consulting them - and more so 'coz they had no idea what a blog is and it would mean that they'd have no control over whatever it is; now, it's too late to call it official or pretend to like it after the praises from all the parents who rely on the blog for information lol) ...but yes, when she needs help and/or something done and only the king can do it, she does the loopy loop way and gets the headmaster (whose you-know-what she must be doing you-know-what to HAHAHAHA - omg that's so below the belt komt is SO gonna' make me take this off lol) to talk to my husband, or/and the computer guy in school to speak to the king to do what she wants. Usually nothing important like correcting spelling mistakes which she insists shows non-professionalism (it's a phucking UNOFFICIAL blog for crying out loud!!) or like her latest fit, to change the color of the UNOFFICIAL blog to match the official school website. ARRGH!! What bugs me most is the roundabout manner she uses other men to do her dirty job instead of simply emailing or asking the king to change the color of the blog he started. C'mon woman, have you looked at the OFFICIAL school website? ...or even the bloody monthly school publication?!?!? Stupid wench!! You don't even know what spell check is?!

I'm saying all this 'coz I hate people who try to bully my husband - or go out of their way to show they dislike him. I know it's probably not possible to bully him 'coz his come-backs are fast as lightning and sharp as can be; unlike mine... I'll think of a come-back line to an afternoon argument in the middle of watching American Idol (I hate Sanjaya btw and no, no links for him) at night and go 'DUH!'. Still... it's the principle of it all. I don't like anyone being mean to my husband... even if he was the one who might have instigated the bad feelings towards him lol! Yes, I know he can be difficult with stupid people sometimes lol. But I am his protector and it's my job - I like to believe so.


Anjuli said...

I think I found it!!!!!

Karen said...