Monday, March 12, 2007


The Krispy Kreme phenomenon has finally hit Tokyo!!! Unlike the people of Hong Kong who comaplained of the overly-sweet delicacy, the Japanese obviously love love love these donuts. Morning, noon and night, the line stands! Yes, the Japanese love anything sweet and they certainly don't mind the bloody never-ending lines.

We arrived at our 'home' station yesterday only to be greeted by a line of people on our way to our hotel - The Century Southern Tower aka Microsoft building. Where an uninteresting Italian bistro used to sit, now sits a more appropriate, much more people attracting with the ever enticing fragrance of... what is that smell? Donuts? Sugar? I don't know... it just smells GOOD!!! Yes, the seducing smell along had ALMOST got me standing in line AFTER breakfast this morning lol! I swear! Why would I stand in line for one donut when I can simply take the 10 minute drive to the one on Winchester back home? I don't know... it just smells so damn good here, I swear! You can smell it miles away! Maybe they're doing like they did when Beard Papa was a big thing here years ago one our first few trips to Tokyo together. They have this huge... and I mean HUGE fan blowing the smell, probably right from the oven, towards the train station lol. Hey, it worked! I mean, the husband and I were in line together with four gazillion other people waiting to get a custard puff. Unlike the locals who were getting dozens upon dozens of them, we stood in line for ever and asked for TWO-o-negaishimasu hahaha! I think we must have been the only ones who ordered those things in single digits ever again :) It is the same here with these bloody deliciously smelling donuts. People are walking away with dozens and dozens and dozens of them... I watched them enviously, salivating, and then swallowing my saliva... wishing I had more of a will-power to stop me from drooling...

Unfortunately, the Tokyo branch of Krispy Kreme sits at the base of our hotel, merely steps away... yes, I'm sure I will have at least one before I leave this country :s What can I say? I'm weak hahaha!

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