I was chatting online earlier this morning with my old friend Takae. She's Japanese and we met at the University of Arizona through a mutual (ex)friend Vanessa. Let's see. I think the very first time I met Takae was at Sinbad's for Arabic food. Almost instantly, we took a liking to each other. Well, I did her at least lol. Takae is an outspoken Asian woman who loves to drink and eat. Now how can you not find women like her (and I) to be appealing lol. Richard and Bruce certainly have great taste in women!!! ...so naturally, we got along very well during our school days and continue our friendship via the internet these days since we've both followed our husbands' and moved to Texas and Tennessee.
It's always fun chatting with old friends. Of course, we talked about our husbands blah blah blah... and about the time she helped trim and shape my eyebrows (and what a good job she did 'coz my cousins back home all commented on it)... and of course, about all the guys who came in and out of my life back then as a single girl.
So why am I going to hell!? Well, the chat lead us to talk about Mo and how I made him eat pork when I served him pork fried rice knowing full and well he's Muslim (hey, he didn't reject it when I put the bowl in front of him and said 'there is pork') lol... I also pretty much made full use of him 'coz I needed some furniture put together and lead him to believe the many prospects for more lol... I also remember making my vegetarian friend eat frog legs LOL. There's been no turning back since then. She's a now a carnivore. Then there was Mark... Mark... generally a nice guy but basically an idiot. Let's just say he wasn't the most considerate guy - I know Takae is laughing as she reads this blog. He used to call and tell me he was on his way to pick me up without telling me where we were going 'coz it was a surprise. Without fail, the damn surprise would be to take me to eat freakin' Mexican food. Hooray... NOT! I went out with another guy at the same time I was dating Mark (hey, there was no ring on my ringer!!) and was caught red handed by Mark... still, he wanted me in his life. I DID say he's an idiot, right? Oh well... I'm SO glad those days, albeit, fun, are over and done with. I'm older and the last thing I need is to have idiots surround me thinking they can get into my panties... yikes, and I just remembered that IBM guy who was SO ugly (but rich LOL) I couldn't even let him kiss me (on the cheek) good night after a date LOL. ....and this is only a fraction of all the evil things I've said and done.
Like I said, I'm SO going to hell...