Saturday, August 13, 2005

Hooking Up

Where was this show when I was single? Not that I have gone out on so many bad dates - I'm the type who knows how to enjoy myself no matter how bad the guy is. No, really! Still, American men are SO easy to perceive once you know the basis of how they all think hahaha! Especially the not-so-brilliant-ones. I've watched all episodes of ABC's new reality tv show 'Hooking Up' and I must say, "I love it!". Every single woman (and man) out there NEEDS to watch this. It's educational! :) It also explains why a lot of them are single... and might actually give some of you an idea why you might be. 'Picky' is just an excuse other people tell you why you're single. Trust me!

A few of them have actually found love on the internet which is awesome. The rest... they are looking way too hard I think. My gawd, some don't even go on second dates. Granted, some are just no-way-situations. But some of these people don't even give the other party a second chance!! I think it's sad. No wonder so many marriages end up in divorces. To base a person by one phone call and one drink, one mistake. It's just plain unfair. I always give the other party one more chance - especially if they think I'm attractive LOL. Hey, if they do, they must have VERY good taste and at least half a brain hahahaha!

People are just out to meet 'the one'. Not knowing how to have a good time en route to meeting that person. They are so blinded by having to fall head over heels in love with the person the first time they lay eyes on them that they miss what's great about the 'wrong' person. The big thing on the show is the word 'chemistry'.... the lack of it mostly. Ok, there were a couple of liars out there who turned out to be a big laugh (and I wouldn't be happy either if it happened to me). It's like having me and Willie Nelson meeting up trying to have a conversation about gardening. (even if that happened I'd have fun lol) But generally, most of the single people on the show are plain narrow-minded and non risk-takers. What happens? You end up being nicely dressed, looking forward to a good time and then experiancing yet another disappointment. Have fun for crying out loud!!! Talk! Have a nice conversation! You're there already, you might as well enjoy yourself!

I may be no beauty queen nor a Harvard grad but I am very happily married to a great guy while they're still out there on the dating scene and not having a good time while doing so. To the hot, tall, skinny 30-something year old women out there: in the words of Nelson from the Simpsons "ha ha!".

Gawd, I'm SO going to hell!!! (see previous post "I'm SO Going To Hell!")