My friends and I just got back from the movies. There really wasn't anything else to see (it was either see sorry ass Tom Cruise in War of the World , Sky High or worst of all, Bad News Bears. So it was really a desperate move to go watch 'Dukes'.
Keep in mind that I'm usually very easily entertained at movies. I like pretty much everything as long as it's funny (if it's supposed to be funny) and chick flicks are always good too. So I can't say I can agree with the horrible reviews for 'Dukes'... I mean, yes, Jessica Simpson is pretty embarassingly bad an actress; but she's got a hot bod! Other than that, it was funny. If you like brainless funny movies (not as vulgar as the American Pie series), then you'd enjoy it. The four teenage boys sitting in front of us three women (ages 21, 35 and 49) were silent compared to our roaring laughters. Embarassing! :) All they laughed at were times when they said 'shit'. Sorry ass boys!!!
Naomi, Julie and I were all pleasantly surprised and enjoyed the movie. I give it 3 stars out of 5! :)
(Bruce called me a hill billy for liking the movie... ok this is the second time I've been called a hill billy by my husband)