Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Going Shopping @ Home Again

It's our second trip back to Memphis since our official move here. Again, I'm heading back there with my empty luggage to go shopping in my closet... probably 'shop' more in my kitchen even tho' I've practically run out of space in the cabinets here. I miss my Memphis kitchen... :(

It'll be good to see some friends... I'm seeing my nail people, my hair people... one friend... and I'm quite happy about it. Of course there is our sushi gang who will be waiting for us at the sushi bar... I have a couple of people to call and maybe see; but knowing me, I probably won't get around to doing that this trip lol.

I cannot believe I haven't left the country at all this year! It's already March lol! I don't think I have ever stayed that long in Memphis and not left the country.

Okay, I have to go get a couple of hours of shut-eye before our 6am flight out.


Anonymous said...

haha so glamourous, you have an entourage of hair and nail people :P

ya! when are you coming to tokyo again :) i will be here at least till july now hehe.

Karen said...

hey julia, i think we're going to tokyo in april but not sure yet - it depends how we feel after melbourne... oh july... then we'll definitely see you before you leave for sure!

btw, not entourage lah - i wish they followed me around LOL

Anonymous said...

oooh Melbourne~ how fun! now you have me thinking of Oreo Ice-cream Sandwich...