Saturday, April 14, 2007

Last Night @ Sushi

Our second night in a row at Sekisui Collierville. Like the husband says, I, too, feel like we're cheating on Sekisui Cordova lol. Nonetheless, I suppose Jimmy Ishi gets the last laugh (he is owner of all the Sekisui restaurants)...

We sort of twittered down a play by play at dinner from our cellphones. Our delicious dinner that consisted of pretty good sashimi (for Memphis standards) and a couple of homemade Taiwanese 'cakes' and dumplings familiar to me even though I am not from Taiwan. However, the company consisting of a three couple crowd with us at the sushi bar was far from desirable.

kryan70 sushi/- taiwanese tapas for dinner at sekisui about 20 hours ago from web

brucery - Severe thunderstorm warning, possible hail... time to head out for dinner. :)

kryan70 - Waiting @ sekisui 4 sushi bar

brucery - Inauspicious start - lost reservation. It has to get better from here?

brucery - Listening to drunk mountain tortoises tell loud stories

brucery - Woman asks sushi chef to write her name in Japanese, not realizing he's Taiwanese and knows none

kryan70 - Dumbass people @ sushi bar with us...

kryan70 - Why don't these fools leave?! So not funny and obnoxious!

kryan70 - Qotd: ' i'm like june cleaver with my kids ' - says one dumbass to another

brucery - About to leave the braintrust here at the sushi bar and go get ice cream.

brucery - Talking with ADD sushi chef who always interrupts me and never finishes his own sentences

brucery - At Schnuck's buying ice cream. Yes, we have a grocery called Schnuck's. Mmm ice cream

kryan70 - home in one piece! crazy night at sushi - irritating stupid drunk driving locals who took their wine to go...

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