Saturday, August 19, 2006

My Baby Brother's Baby Girl

My favorite (and only) brother has a seventeen month old baby girl. Emma is the family's pride and joy. The little girl whom I have been buying a ton of presents for in the last two years is the cutest little addition to the family. She brings a smile to the entire family and has made life so different since she was born. Even her favorite (and only) ang moh uncle's life has altered. He certainly has bigger shopping bills to foot and more baby stories to listen to on a daily basis. But he loves her; yes he does! Yup, I have been shopping for baby/toddler stuff so much people, ie strangers, have been sending me free milk formula, free diapers, coupons, you name it, just to go buy more baby crap lol.

Yesterday, little Emma went to 'trial school'. Since she is not quite 18 months yet, my sister-in-law thought it might be fun and a good idea to take her to Pat's Schoolhouse to see how her daughter might like school before she is officially enrolled. Emma got to skip her first day of her second phase in swimming lessons to go to a real classroom. ball!

How did Emma fair? Well, from my sil's report this morning (I got up early to call them 'coz I was excited to hear about it all), little Emma had ball! She had a wonderful time dancing (apparently, the only one who got up and danced by herself and in front of the mirror too mind you lol), playing outdoors (please don't let your legs get caught between the handle bar and slide like your auntie did in kindergarten lol) and feeding herself sweet cereal that she doesn't get to have at home. Everything was great until... until... it was arts and craft time. Yes, little Emma seemed to be a good social butterfly until she was asked to dirty her little fingers hahaha! What?! Take cotton wool and dip it in glue?! Huh?! That's what scotchtape and staplers are for! The girl got upset when she got glue and cotton wool on her little hands hahahaha! I roared with laughter when I heard this. That is so... so... ME!!! OMG, for someone who doesn't spend a lot of time with me, little Emma sure has a gazillion of her auntie's personality and traits. She's quick tempered and bubbly, she loves to laugh LOUD, she's goofy, she greedy, she loves all food, she loves to dance (but I do not dance in front of the mirror thank you very much), watch tv, sleeps with her mouth open lol, have things her way and omg, she hates making a mess or touch gooey stuff. This is a mini-me in the making lol! This is probably my poor brother's biggest nightmare hahahaha!

Everyday, I call my mom and/or sil promptly to hear of Emma's day and her new pranks. Never mind what's going on with anyone else at home. The stories about Emma brightens my days and makes me laugh like a hyena. She's a hilarious little imp who has absolutely changed my parents' life. She is the only person who can manipulate my dad and get him to ignore even the stock market on an active trading day. She is the only person who can calm him down and make him laugh instantly when he's upset. Needless to say, my dad, Emma's yeye, is her partner-in-crime. She is not allowed sweet stuff that much. What does yeye do? He buys home muffins and chocolates for his little hungry grandbaby. It used to be Starbucks cakes for our little black pug, Lucky... and now Lucky, like me, my dad's ex-princess, are now both chopped-liver lol.

So my baby brother's baby girl is my favorite little baby - the husband is my favorite big baby :D When kid number two comes for my brother and sil, it'll be yet another kid for me to love and spoil. Can't wait! ...and... "No! I Still Don't Want A Kid!"

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