Monday, August 14, 2006

Another Year, Another Lunch Bag

Today is the King's first day back at teaching again. Year Six! Impressive considering merely a little more then 6 years ago, he didn't know if he should marry me, what his career path was or where he was going to live for awhile. Today, he got dressed early; obviously excited and just all smiles and kisses before he walked out of the door with his lunch bag - melted jalapeno cheese with leftover flank steak he made over the weekend in onion pita bread pressed on a panini grill. Yes, it's as good as it sounds especially since he can heat it up on the microwave in the office / cafeteria.

So it's back to my regular schedule. After a summer of sleeping at ungodly hours, I'm going to have to get back to sleeping way before Leno or Letterman comes on and waking up way way before Good Morning America starts airing. I miss it... I can't wait for it to be dark when I wake up every morning and most of all, I cannot wait for the cold weather to get here!! Cold weather means good moods for me, means going out more and just doing more stuff for me instead of staying in my bedroom watching my Korean dramas or Cantonese dramas from Hong Kong. Yes, a little different from the average person here in the US who longs for the bloody hot ass summer and wearing as little as possible and being out in the scorching sun and disgusting humidity. No, this Singaporean here loves her cloudy and rainy days and if it was winter every day of the year, she couldn't be more thrilled.

Well, I suppose it's back to school schedule, back to doing wifey high school teacher things. Attending football, basketball... sometimes even baseball games tho' the husband is pretty good about not making me go to every game; especially when he's not sure if we're gonna' win lol. No lacrosse, soccer or anything too bad yet tho'. We did go cheer for the track team once but that was fun 'coz it was out at Shelby Farms and I knew some of the parents who were fun parents with a good sense of humor ie, no Asian ones lol!

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