Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Einstein Me!

Guess what I did this time being in Memphis... no, I didn't lock myself out of the house... or in the house for that matter. Even more unforgivable, after being home (in Seattle) for three days, I realized yesterday that I'd left my entire bunch of keys back at our Memphis house. Yup, my car keys, keys to the apartment here, the mechanism to get me into the building, the mailbox keys... and of all my keys to the house in Memphis. Tsk tsk... what is going on with my head?!

Fortunately, my very understanding husband has an extra car key, made an extra set of apartment keys when we moved in and only (well, not ONLY) but spent the non-refundable forty five bucks to get me another of that gadget thingy so I can come into the building... sigh. ...if this situation was presented to my dad, I would now be six feet under lol!

It really is time to get rid of the house in Memphis... any takers!? :)


Anjuli said...

ai yoh you-- hanging out with me too much lah-- you are starting to lose your memory. Thankfully you have a very understanding hubby.

Anonymous said...

That is the difference between dad and husband...