Saturday, June 30, 2007

Love The Iphone?!


I'm still puzzled at this Iphone rave. Of course this craziness is happening only in America. No one in Asia (with a brain) would get one. Well, the Taiwanese are supposedly excited, but they're Tainwanese.

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with buying an expensive phone... I can't believe these people are willing to sign a two year contract to deal with those losers at AT&T! What happened to just being able to buy a phone and then choosing the phone company you want use? $600 over isn't much of a subsidy to be stuck with AT&T.

A couple of fair comparisons between the Iphone and the N95 (Nokia's newest of her N-series).

After using your phone as a verbal communication device, the next most important thing to most users is the camera-phone! Guess which phone doesn't fulfill this need? Iphone's camera SUCKS! N95 has a 5, yes, read FIVE megapixel camera, has flash and auto focus - just like a real camera. iPhone has a two megapixel camera, no flash, no autofocus and imagine this, no video capability!!! OMFG!

Did you know that when your battery life on the Iphone dies, your phone is dead!? So in 12 to 18 months, your phone is just a useless piece of crap. But ohhh, you have signed a two year contract! What do you have to do? Send your phone to the manufacturers (in China) and get the battery replaced - just like your Ipod - except most people usually just buy a new Ipod 'coz it's relatively cheaper and there is no AT&T asshole customer service agent on the other end of the phone trying to suck the living life out of you. With the N95, you removed your dead battery and replace it yourself by simply buying another battery!

If these two reasons are still not enough for you not to reconsider buying the Iphone or have your tongue stop wagging after this stupid piece of metal, you're an idiot!! Not like the Memphis idiots who are still searching for idiots (unless you're a Memphian who is dying to have an Iphone) but an idiot nonetheless!

You gotta' give it to the marketing team of Apple. They certainly know how to do their job lol while Nokia... hmmm... they need to wake up!

Here are a line of videos that'll explain clearly what I really mean. Thanx Ricky for teaching the general public of idiots who has no idea what a good phone should do! He's done at least six of these hilarious videos. If you're interested in finding out which phone to get, check his youtube site here:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha i was stumped when i heard about the battery. it's ridiculous!