Tuesday, June 26, 2007

'C' Is for Cancel, 'D' Is For Delay

After too many trips on Northwest Airlines and not getting the service we're used to on American, we decided to fly loyal and get to San Francisco on a one-stop flight via Dallas. For once, I wish we'd taken the non-stop on NWA.

It really is a long story... and lots of angry people involved. Oddly enough, we are still calm and collected :) After a flight cancelation, sitting in the plane on the turmac for umpteen hours, we eventually ended up flying into SFO six hours later then our original time of arrival. Missed our reservations at Bar Crudo :(

Then three short days later, it was time to go home... this time, we were flying via St Louis on AA. With all the crazy weather in Dallas and Chicago, we were quite relieved we weren't flying into either of these cities. We even checked online before we left and true enough... flight d-e-l-a-y. We hung out for a couple more hours in the hotel room then took the limo to the airport. Guess what!? LOL! Yes, of course it was further delayed and it meant we had only 35 minutes to make our connection. We tried making all sorts of alternative flights just to get home on the same day. No luck. An hour went by and yup, the flight was then canceled due to mechanical problems!!! WOW! I thought there was gonna' be a riot lol! Talk about angry people... it was chaotic and all the gate agents could advise was 'please call the airlines on the toll free number'. Of course, the king was already on the phone trying to fly somewhere, anywhere. Las Vegas, Seattle... but no... every damn flight out of SFO was fully booked for another two full days! I kid you not! We were literally stuck in San Francisco! Too bad neither of us had our passports with us. We would have flown internationally in a heartbeat lol!

So here we are... yes we have people to see, more restaurants to try...but the husband is ready to go home to our own bed. Me, I don't have much of a problem... the weather here is perfect and I have extra time to shop hee hee.

We can only hope that when Sunday morning comes around, our flight home will not be as eventful... you can follow myself or the king on twitter for 'live' updates :)

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