Thursday, June 14, 2007

Basic Blog Tips For My Memphis Readers

First of all, welcome Memphians!

When I started this blog, it was to communicate with my friends from around the world. As a Singaporean who went to school in Canada, Indiana, Massachusetts, and Arizona and traveled to all points of the globe, I have a lot of friends in faraway places; I wish they lived nearby, but unfortunately they don't. The majority of my readers have been, continue to be, and always will be non-Memphians. But lately a few Memphians have decided to waste their time here...

Thanks to my web reporting software, I have been watching my few new Memphis visitors and they do some weird things. I thought I would write a post to give these "newbies" a few tips.
  1. Get some self esteem! For some reason, Memphians like to search on their own names to see if they're in my blog. The next thing they do is click on the label "idiots". If you think you'll find yourself under "idiots", you need something other than this blog to help you. If you think you'd find your friends under 'idiots', you need to think better about your friends... MUAHAHAHAHA!

  2. You don't need to search the archives again and again. Nothing new is happening in the past. DUH! New posts appear on the front page of the blog - like this one! Just come to the front page, and you'll see anything new I have to say. That goes double for searching my blog again and again via Google. One poor soul searched for my blog using the exact same Google search phrase three times in the span of four hours today! Again, new stuff shows up at the front of the blog, and if it wasn't there two hours ago it probably won't be there now. Also, if you weren't aware you typed the same phrase into Google three times, you need to check out this site now.

  3. Sorry to disappoint you but there's not much here about Memphis. There are lots of good blogs on Memphis. If you're interested in Memphis restaurants, here's a good one (though I liked it better when Leslie Kelly was writing it). I don't write too much about Memphis because the overwhelming majority of my friends/readers have never been and never will come to Memphis and they're just not interested. In six years, I've had three friends come here from out of town and my husband has had five (but he had to pay for the airfare to get most of these people to come see us).

  4. If you're looking for new stuff in the school category, you're too late! My husband left his teaching position earlier this week - so thankfully school is in the past. I am looking forward to leaving Memphis and going to a new and bigger city. WOO HOO! Don't get me wrong, I'll miss my house (real estate is CHEAP(!) here in Memphis) and I'll miss bbq and a few close friends I've made while I've been in town. But, I'd be lying to say that I'm not THRILLED with the idea of seeing Memphis in the rear-view mirror.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha i hope you're kidding about the search thing...

what reporting software to you use? i'm new to blogspot but gonna make some effort to keep the parents in the loop here (no vox cos they don't have to know EVERYTHING! :p)
