Monday, May 08, 2006

A Very Special Card

Yup, Special-Ed!!!

I turn 36 today. Feels alright. Can't complain. Loving my life; no kids screaming in the background, no kids to yell at to get ready for school... just a regular quiet peaceful Monday morning with the laogong hanging out at his computer and me at mine.

I suppose I've always enjoyed my birthdays since I was a kid. After all, who doesn't like getting presents. Moreso now when I get to tell the husband what I want... and yup, I get what I want... usually, if not immediately, then soon after. Of course, some would say I have a birthday every week. Can't say they're wrong. But it's my real birthday today and I'm glad I don't feel any older. OK, I'm not the drama-queen type who cries at every birthday 'coz I'm getting older (my good friend went 'insane' when she turned 24, true!). I was never the type (like some of my friends) who'd like about my age... and though 36 is far too close to 40, I guess 40 isn't that bad either. Getting old isn't worth worrying. I mean, it's gonna' happen. I just hang out with people much older then me - that way I can never catch up with them lol. Besides, it's nice to grow old with my husband and he's eight years older then me and I think he still looks pretty darn good, so I shouldn't have to worry too much for awhile.

So anywayz, for my birthday, I've gotten a free meal at Abuelos 'coz they send you a coupon when you sign up for emails or something, lots of email wishes from friends and a couple of cards (more from vendors who give me a small gift certificates so I can go spend more money at their store SUCKER(!)). But one card stood out from everyone else's. It's from Mimi... Bruce's dad's wife. Not my mil and I don't count her as my step-mil. She's just Mimi. She's 'famous' for many things and one of them is for making her own original cards. We get one every holiday, annivasary and birthday. This year's card to me is a little odd. Maybe in the midst of their big move from huge house to huge apartment, she's lost her mind (more). I think she's decided I'm a sista' from the 'hood who gossips with her constantly. I mean, look at this card for crying out loud. The husband got a big (BIG!) laugh from it. I was just stunned and of course, rolled my eyes and said "scan it!" lol. Ok, the fact that she remembers is nice. But shit, who can't today with four gazillion reminders you can set up. Ok, not me 'coz I don't give a damn lol but sometimes I wonder what this woman who called me HUGE in my face thinks of me. Look at the front of this

And then there is the 'content' lol. Check it out:

By the way, the card was addressed to MRS Bruce Ryan...


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