Wednesday, May 24, 2006

"Open Your Mouth...

gold won't fall out of your teeth". Okay, I don't have gold filling or teeth (just to clarify that). My mother used to say that to me practically every morning (right till I left home at 17 and also when I eventually moved back later on) whenever I saw her in the morning and not greet her. I used to wonder why I had to greet her. I mean, 'good morning ma' or simply 'ma'... why would that make her day better? It was a pain and the last thing I wanted to deal with was her chirpy self since she'd been up for hours. I usually managed a short and grumpy grunt and she'd start with that very saying in Chinese. I'd sigh and roll my eyes and she'd laugh or if she's already in a bad mood, there goes my morning lol.

Well, that saying has stuck with me all this time and ROMT knows the saying well! I've learnt throughout my years away from home how important speaking up is and yes, greeting people when you see them is an important thing to being social too. I suppose I understand now :)

But my lesson today is about 'opening my mouth'. Okay, so I didn't actually have to do so. I let my fingers do the talking by sending a complain letter to Sears yesterday when the dishwasher we'd purchased two weeks ago failed to be delivered and installed this past Monday. To cut the long story short, I got a call awhile ago and because I 'spoke up', we are expecting the dishwasher at our house in a couple of weeks for FREE! Yes, a free Bosch SHE66C06 How's that for 'opening my mouth' lol! ;p

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