Monday, May 22, 2006

Excuse Me What Is Your NRIC Number?

In Singapore, that's a common question when filling up forms, going to the bank etc etc. Our NRIC numbers which is the same as our passport numbers, much like the US Social Security number here (that defers from the US passport number system) represents who we are, where we live, what we do, how much in taxes we claim, pay, have in medisave and... and if you're registered in the Singapore Idol official website!

I swear! Yes, of course it's free. But for the price of your NRIC number, you get to register here at your own risk! But besides that, please tell me why in the world would these fools need our NRIC numbers to register in a website like that!? Now I totally know how those bloggers got arrested in Singapore! Let's see who else needs our confidential numbers to be registered with them. Wow I'm surprised AsiaOne doesn't need it - they'd need your cell number (lol) but that's easy to make up or (lol) give someone else's. I guess Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) doesn't care since all the idiots who believe in their propaganda writings subscribe to Straits Times and Business Times and of course (DUH!) you'd need to devulge your NRIC number to them and if you're not 'local', your passport number will suffice. Insane! Can you imagine what Americans would say if they needed to throw in their social security numbers to read the newspapers online... or gawd forbid, find out more about American Idol lol!!!

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