not by your job or your boss or even the government... but do you get paid by your boyfriend or husband to do or not do certain things?!
My longtime very good girlfriend from back home called me yesterday and we had the usual fun, funny long phone conversation. As usual, she nagged about how lucky I am not having to work and how my life that is filled with household chores, lots of travelling, lots of fun with friends and time with my husband sickens her. OK, not the household chores and cooking part but the rest, yes. We went on to talk about her life, her boyfriend (of almost two years - and that is a record since her divorce) and how she hates (yes, she used the H-word HATE) ALL her boyfriend's friends. So whenever he wants to go out with them, he gives her money. Yes, she gets paid so he can hang out with his friends. Let's say she's very ummm... outspoken and gregarious when it comes to getting the message across. When she doesn't want to go out with him and his friends or the boyfriend going out with his friends alone, he knows it well in advance. Getting things the way she wants has always been one of her strong point. I sometimes (note, it's only SOMETIMES) admire her strength. I've known her since we were little 8 yr old girls swimming at the country club... we both left home early to come to America to go to school 'coz we suck at our second language... and we are both with caucasian boys LOL. I think the similarity stops there... she's tall and thin and I'm... not :) She's super active, and I'm... well... far from it. The list goes on but it's too early to think. Ok, thinking just isn't included in my daily agenda these days... and I have no problem with it. I just wish I got paid not to think :D