Saturday, July 21, 2007

News Travels Fast Here

I just got a call from a girlfriend of mine whom I have not hung out with in a long time; she had a baby and then another... and she had to become a mother and couldn't hang out with us losers anymore lol :)

Anywayz, this German friend of mine was out on her daily walk and bumped into a mutual Italian friend of ours (whom, by the way, I have not seen also in almost two years) and was told by Ms Italy that the king and I were leaving Memphis. Like leaving tomorrow!!! It was quite comical to me since Ms Germany was practically in shock, huffing and puffing (still on her walk) wanting to know the whole story of this sudden plan for departure. Yes I calmed her down... I told her I wasn't leaving tomorrow or the day after - sorry Memphis, lots more blogs to write here for you to read; and since I have only told two good friends of mine here and a couple of restaurant owners, this piece of news sure traveled fast and furious. Apparently, we even have a 'for sale' sign in our front yard already! No, contrary to believe, we are not that much in a hurry to leave. Actually, that's not entirely true either lol! But decisions have to be made as to where we'd like to move to (three or four US cities and a couple of Asian countries are the choices right now that have not been narrowed down) and what the husband would like to do when we move. Will he return to the technology world? Continue being a teacher - 'coz we all know he's a darn good teacher and one of the most dedicated(!).

Right now, we're simply enjoying time off like a regular summer out of school. Traveling is vital and everything else secondary.

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