Thursday, January 25, 2007

First Trip Of 2007

Since baby 'Ellie' will be due in March (at least as far as we're all concerned; hopefully she's in no hurry to make her appearance), I figured I'll make mom happy and meet her in Shanghai. Mom's a Chinese history expert and has seen a lot of China during her Chinese-painting days (she used to have exhibitions in her names - impressive eh - unfortunately, both her kids flunked out of art class lol) and would go all over to marvel at scenaries, flowers and stuff I don't care about... But my mother has never been to Shanghai.

The last time I made my solo adventure out there on a last minute decision, she'd mentioned that she'd love to see Shanghai someday. So being the awesome daughter that I am (hahaha!), I thought this would be a neat treat for her to also spend some quality time with me. She seems excited. It'll be nice... two of my cousins will also be making this trip so I think it'll be a nice mini reunion.

It'll be good. Five days with family overseas is about the right amount. I mean, I'm not the most patient person in the world (yes yes, the husband I'm sure is laughing now 'coz that's an understatement...) but for some reason, I have a shorter fuse with my mom. I don't know why. Maybe 'coz she's always right especially when I don't want her to be. But five days is a good amount of time to remain cool, calm and collected no matter what happens. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the hotel will be as luxurious as it claims and I will be able to find some really good food for everyone.

The couple of friends who now live there should be able to entertain me after mom and my cousins leave. They leave a good 30 hours before I do, so I can spend my last day and a half hanging out with them and one of their kids. I hope L doesn't make me meet her dumbass unemployed husband who has already asked me to buy him guitar strings. I hate men who take advantage of strong (but not so smart) women.

You'll hear all about my trip to Shanghai next month. Stay tuned.

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