First of all, I'm tired of this Schiavo case. Supporters of this so called 'right to life', all I can say is 'YOU ARE ALL (YES ALL) IDIOTS!!!" I can't believe the media is giving this silly thing so much attention! It's unnecessary and it certainly is NOT entertaining.
Yes it's a sad situation, yes it's unfortunate. But c'mon, the girl's been in this vegetative state for 16 years. I can't believe there are such selfish parents out there. What the hell do they get out of this? She is no more their daughter. She died a long time ago. Now all the whole nation can remember of this girl is what she looks like on tv played over and over and over AND OVER(!) again. I don't know what her parents are trying to prove but I'd be glad when it's all over and people in Florida can stop bitching about how the local courts are ignoring the President. Hello?!?! Yup, same bunch of religious fools who voted for the same idiotic President. I rest my case.