Saturday, September 29, 2007


Ok, I figured I'd better do it here since rumors are still going around this city about the status of our move. Really, they can't wait to get rid of me (they mostly like the husband but sorry to disappoint you guys, we come as a package lol)!

Again, there is no 'for sale' sign in our front yard. We have not put the house on sale (yet) and are not in a hurry to. We have NOT bought a house. Yes, we are probably moving to Seattle but the house we put an offer in for hasn't been successful - we just found out late last night. The owners have decided to play hard to get (full price or nothing) and will take it off the market in a week (they claim) and no, we're not about to go chasing after it. So it's back to the drawing board. Yes, of course I'm annoyed! That was ALMOST the perfect house for us... but this isn't my first time dealing with people like that... after all, it's a buyer's market and if you don't want the big lump sum of cash we're offering, I'm sure someone else is willing to take it from us lol.

Right now, I'm thinking of Japan... spending a few months there and learning a little more of the language wouldn't be a bad idea... I don't know... just anything to get me outta' here... yesterday!!

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