Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Trip #10 (Last Trip) Of Summer '07

Summer is finally coming to an end. It's only 7:37pm here and it's already dark outside... no more crazy cicadas buzzing... the temperature however isn't quite as cooperating; it's soaring back to the 90s this week. Yuk! Glad I'm going to be away to miss it.

We're headed to Paris, France in a couple of days. My third time and the first, for the king - hard to imagine huh? ...that he's actually not been somewhere I've been lol. We're going to visit his good friend James from high school who has become - what my business professor used to call - a big kahuna lol! I don't know James... but I've seen pics of his family and they're beautiful! I'm looking forward to meeting all of them. We're also having a mini family reunion with my brother (who will be on a side business trip to Zurich) and his wife; so I'm super excited. In the last year, I have seen my brother the most out of all the family members since he travels so much for work. It's nice that he actually wants to hang out with us lol! Actually, maybe he's just playing spy for my parents lol!

So all you travel folks out there who have been to Paris lately, any tips? Any restaurants we can't leave without trying? I know about the macaroons and the eclairs already :) I should have had them when I saw them in Tokyo Midtown last week but I guess I'd just have to get them straight from the original source...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

crepes! mushroom and ham w loads of cheeeezzzeeee~~~ yum~ *lao nua*
and the breads ...
and the beautiful but snobby men ...