Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Home For A Day... Then Trip #9 Of Summer '07

We arrived home yesterday; two hours earlier then planned when we got lucky and caught the earlier flight back from DFW (with an upgrade tee hee). I suppose American Airlines doesn't ALWAYS let us down :)

It's been a full day of laundry... I have yet to start cleaning but my nails are screaming for some attention so it's off to a manicure in a bit. We have to repack - I can't say we have fully unpacked lol - and head off to Tokyo first thing tomorrow morning. It's been five months since we last went to Tokyo. Feels kind of weird... kind of ummm, unnatural for us lol. We're both excited to see friends we missed, new ones to make, and of course, food glorious food hee hee.

I have so much to update from our trip to Seattle but my nails are of more importance right now :) The only excitement right now that you guys might be interested is... we found a house!! Don't know if we'll get it but that's exciting as far as I'm concerned :)

Stay tuned!

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