Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Oh Dear...

For those who don't talk to me on the phone or chat online regularly, you must think I've disappeared from the face of this planet - not a bad thing for some of you, I know :) Too bad for those, I'm still kicking it and very much alive lol.

Hmmm... what's been going on since our 6th wedding anniversary more than a month ago... I suppose not much if you don't count how many miles we've accumulate in a short 45 days. ...and to answer the question most of you would like to know most - have we moved!? No, actually, as I write this entry, I'm still very much (physically) in Elvis land in my awesome red and black kitchen. But it won't be too long before we make the move. Not too long at all!

It's been good to catch up with old friends in all the cities we've been to recently, made new ones and of course, tried more restaurants you even care to know. Asanebo in L.A is definitely worth mentioning however. ...it's been a lot of fun but the last ten days between flying back from Tokyo to Memphis, resting for two days and heading out to L.A and back (four days later) to Memphis for a mere sixteen hours before heading to Seattle for a half day, twelve-hour trip and back to Memphis this morning, I can safely say for the both of us, 'we don't want to see another bloody plane... for at least 72 hours' :) After that, you never know with our warp sense of adventure... if opportunity arises for us to head somewhere (more) cheaply and/or exciting, we're off, moving or not :)

The husband's got a boys' weekend coming up and I'm diciphering between staying back to do some light packing or going to see girlfriends in this continent (sorry for those not here) or even a long lost friend whom we recently caught up on Facebook and realized he's now settled in New Jersey, of all places. I don't know... either way, to catch up with friends away or here, I will be occupied.

It's twenty days to Christmas. We haven't got any lights up this year neither have we made concrete plans for the upcoming holidays. Hmmm... how unsettling :) Of course, we don't know where we'll be (yet) so that's a little tougher to decide what we want to do. Christmas invites are out but sadly, we won't be able to attend at least one of them in Seattle... (no invites from Memphis, as per usual LOL). I'm sure everything will turn out fine... at the end of the day, as long as we're together with good friends, we'll manage to have yet another good holiday season gone by.

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