Monday, August 11, 2008

The Weekend's Over!

So while I agonized the entire last two weeks wondering how badly our Singapore-style National Day potluck event was gonna' turn out, Saturday, August 9 came and went by with a blink of an eye. ...and let me tell 'ya, I'm relieved I not only survived it, I think most people actually had fun!

Having moved from a city with three Singaporeans, it's a breath of fresh air to see a room full of more than 50 of us celebrate a day only we, Singaporeans, can appreciate. Of course, I can't say before this event, I'd ever had the patriotism to attend a national day parade or did it even excite me in the least bit - ok, the bank holiday part was nice lol.

I must say, I couldn't have done it without the help of my the husband, Connie, her husband and of course, the organizers on the msft side. It was SO nice to see some of the wives bring a bunch of food too! Connie and I were thrilled since Kevin convinced us nobody on their side would bring any lol. The trivia game ran by Kelvin was a highlight and even I could answer a couple of questions and won a prize! :D

My family and friends from out of state all believed I was insane to even want to risk organizing anything for a bunch of people who might not appreciate the effort; but hey, what's life without a small gamble. At the end of the day, I saw my members, met news ones and even met nice people from the Microsoft side! Hopefully they kept their name tags and check out our meetup group's site so we can all keep in touch without having to do a huge combine thingy again... it's just no fun dealing with that many people - Singaporeans just don't mingle well.

I am, however, curious about the bunch of people (Singaporeans, I presume) who came, didn't even say a quick 'hi', went in line, ate and left. I know I should have said something but what!? 'Hello? This is not a free buffet'...but I suppose in some way, it was lol! Oh well... there will always be ugly Singaporeans around... they're everywhere. I mean, ugly folks... what's feeding a couple LOL!

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