Monday, April 25, 2005

I'm Only Half A Woman!?!

...yesterday, after I lectured my still-cheating girlfriend about her extramarital affair, she decided to attack me with the only thing she could imagine to say to upset me. It didn't upset me... it just confirmed doubly to me what an idiot she is (outside the fact that she's chased her husband out of the house, is cheating with a married man and she, herself, has two kids under the age of 6).

She claimed that as long as I never have kids of my own, I will never be a whole woman. That's right, she said it... she of all people?! The mother who told me how she wished she never had kids?! I didn't remind her of the statement she made... I kind of let it slide since I gather she certainly isn't of whole mind if she's put herself in this stupid situation she's in. I told her that if that's for real, then I'd live my life being half a woman. I can deal with it. Besides, any more of a woman and gawd knows how much heavier I might really be lol... any more of a woman, poor Bruce might suffer physically lol. I'm all woman and I certainly don't need crying babies or changing diapers to confirm that. Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit!

But yeah... this particular cheating girlfriends of mine I should just track down the dude's wife and tell her what the hell is going on. Unfortunately, Singapore isn't like Memphis where somebody knows someone who somehow knows someone you know.