She called me over after a good 15 mins of small talk with the other customers and practically whispered 'hey, Karen, I need to tell you something - I feel you need to know and I feel really bad about it'. Since I only have a mere acquaintance relationship with Lisa, I was puzzled and confused what she was about to tell me. She went on, 'has Tracey contacted you lately?'. Tracey being my former cleaning lady, also one of Lisa's very good friends, who left Memphis after working for me for more than three years because she had to take care of her very sick father in Alabama... 'no?' I replied. 'Well remember Jim, the guy Tracey was cleaning for at Southwind?'. Of course I did. Jim, the guy who was much more anal then me, the bachelor who had his closet arranged by shades of colors who lived in a mansion all by himself after three divorces and owns a gazillion watches - information all provided to me courtesy of Tracey. Lord only knows what she told other people about my anal behavior lol. I told her 'yes, Tracey told me his house was burglarized when he was out of town and when she went to clean the house (she has full excess all the time), the bed was not done which she thought peculiar.' Turns out, Tracey was arrested on Thursday together with a male accomplice in Alabama - and she was tested positive for cocaine!!! My blood turned cold and rushed away from my face. I was shocked, confused and sad all at once. Is it really possible to be all those emotions all together? I like Tracey. I felt bad for her. She must have been so desperate. It all makes sense now why she left her house unsold nor advertised to be sold and just she picked up and left. It all makes sense to me now why she stopped going to her job at the restaurant in Mississippi which she ranted and raved about the great pay and great hours. Before she left Memphis for Alabama, she was offered a job by this guy (the guy who was arrested with her) in Mississippi and she would still come back to Memphis every two weeks on weekends until her house was sold and she would still clean for me and Jim - apparently, her two most favourite clients.
I returned from my haircut and found that our security system had gone off while I was out. My first instints 'omfg, Tracey is here to kill me!'. Ok, why I thought that, I have no idea... but I did and I was petrified. I came in, sent the husband a note on Skype and ran out of the door in case 'she' was still in the house waiting on me. It sounds utterly ridiculous and bloody stupid now but I truly believe my life was in danger. If it wasn't Tracey, it was some other burglar. Hey, our home (when I was a kid) was burglarized twice and robbed twice at knifepoint - so you can't blame me one bit.
Of course nobody was in the house. ADT just sucks! I went to do my nails and then my nice husband came home earlier then usual from work just to make sure I didn't have to come back to the house alone hee hee. Yes, he does think I'm insane but what can he do?! It's too late now that we just celebrated our 5th wedding annivasary yesterday muahahahaha.
It's so sad about Tracey... sure, she had a complicated lifestyle. I could always picture her on Maury, or Jerry Springer... but I know she wasn't a bad person and certainly not a 'crackhead'! Guess I was wrong.