Sunday, October 29, 2006

You Never Know...

This past Friday was a regular day for me. Spent my morning at Germantown Centre, came home for a quick lunch and went for my hair appointment with Maryanne. Okay, the hair appointment isn't part of my usual Friday routine or I wouldn't have as much hair as I do now lol. As usual, my very busy hairstylist was running late; so I sat around kicking the breeze with the other hairdressers hanging out; namely, Lisa, also the owner of Germantown Hair Salon.

She called me over after a good 15 mins of small talk with the other customers and practically whispered 'hey, Karen, I need to tell you something - I feel you need to know and I feel really bad about it'. Since I only have a mere acquaintance relationship with Lisa, I was puzzled and confused what she was about to tell me. She went on, 'has Tracey contacted you lately?'. Tracey being my former cleaning lady, also one of Lisa's very good friends, who left Memphis after working for me for more than three years because she had to take care of her very sick father in Alabama... 'no?' I replied. 'Well remember Jim, the guy Tracey was cleaning for at Southwind?'. Of course I did. Jim, the guy who was much more anal then me, the bachelor who had his closet arranged by shades of colors who lived in a mansion all by himself after three divorces and owns a gazillion watches - information all provided to me courtesy of Tracey. Lord only knows what she told other people about my anal behavior lol. I told her 'yes, Tracey told me his house was burglarized when he was out of town and when she went to clean the house (she has full excess all the time), the bed was not done which she thought peculiar.' Turns out, Tracey was arrested on Thursday together with a male accomplice in Alabama - and she was tested positive for cocaine!!! My blood turned cold and rushed away from my face. I was shocked, confused and sad all at once. Is it really possible to be all those emotions all together? I like Tracey. I felt bad for her. She must have been so desperate. It all makes sense now why she left her house unsold nor advertised to be sold and just she picked up and left. It all makes sense to me now why she stopped going to her job at the restaurant in Mississippi which she ranted and raved about the great pay and great hours. Before she left Memphis for Alabama, she was offered a job by this guy (the guy who was arrested with her) in Mississippi and she would still come back to Memphis every two weeks on weekends until her house was sold and she would still clean for me and Jim - apparently, her two most favourite clients. ...and now, who knows what lies ahead (or not) for her.

I returned from my haircut and found that our security system had gone off while I was out. My first instints 'omfg, Tracey is here to kill me!'. Ok, why I thought that, I have no idea... but I did and I was petrified. I came in, sent the husband a note on Skype and ran out of the door in case 'she' was still in the house waiting on me. It sounds utterly ridiculous and bloody stupid now but I truly believe my life was in danger. If it wasn't Tracey, it was some other burglar. Hey, our home (when I was a kid) was burglarized twice and robbed twice at knifepoint - so you can't blame me one bit.

Of course nobody was in the house. ADT just sucks! I went to do my nails and then my nice husband came home earlier then usual from work just to make sure I didn't have to come back to the house alone hee hee. Yes, he does think I'm insane but what can he do?! It's too late now that we just celebrated our 5th wedding annivasary yesterday muahahahaha.

It's so sad about Tracey... sure, she had a complicated lifestyle. I could always picture her on Maury, or Jerry Springer... but I know she wasn't a bad person and certainly not a 'crackhead'! Guess I was wrong.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The Stalker Has Left The Building

Today is a happy day for me. My friend turned ex-friend turned stalker is leaving the Memphis area and I no longer have to screen all calls and keep a low profile within the city limits any more. Yes, the 'missing entry' is now back on the blog and this time, for good. No changes... just plain honest truth.

Of course, K came and stirred up more unnecessary crappy emotions within me. Anger. Disbelief. Loss for words. Okay, not so much speechless but disbelieve and certainly incredible annoyance.

On the last Friday of September, I got a brief email from J warning me of an out-of-the-blues visit from the ex-friend. I laughed aloud when I read that email. I dashed upstairs and e-chatted with the husband via skype (of course I couldn't use voice chat since you all know how loud I am lol) and explained the situation here and delayed picking him up from school. The more we typed, the more angry I got at K for messing up our schedule. Why was this person coming to my door, first without even a courtesy call and secondly, why was she coming at all when I had made it clear that she is history to me? Yes, my exact words were, 'I no longer have time for you and I have moved on'.

So in the midst of the e-chat, the doorbell rang... I stayed very still - my fingers typed slower, my body frozen to a stiff and my legs crossed uncomfortably on my chair. No I was not going to give the person outside a single clue that there was actually somebody at home. ...two endless chimes of the blasting door bell and 20 minutes later, I heaved a sigh of relief. The phone rang and she left a message. It was inaudible since I was still upstairs but I could make out her still-familiar voice. I ignored it and decided to stay inconspicuous and sat in front of the computer for a little longer. So still no movement other than my happy fingers typing away - my feet still not touching the carpet; they did not touch anything except for the faux leather on my chair for a good whole 45 mins I swear. No way was my feet going to rest on the carpet only for the wood under it to creak and then to shake the entire house. I was not having that - I was not 100% who was more insane yet. Me or K lol. After awhile, I figured the coast was clear and I dashed out to pick the husband up from work. Of course, there was a message on the cellphone as well. Blah blah blah. I can't remember what she said but she mentioned a gift at the front door. A gift?

The husband and I found this at our front door. What do you say when someone has made your front door look like you should have carved out R.I.P on a headstone and attached it to the house? We laughed a little, ran to grab the camera and proceeded to rather cruelly, do this to my 'gift'. No, of course I didn't appreciate it. Why should I? She knows/knew my style and these were not it. Anywayz, with the flowers came an almost five page letter. I thought of scanning it but though against it. Why give another loser the chance to plagerise and make someone else have to read it. I don't want to have to put you guys through it either. All I can say is, does this person have any pride and integrity left?! I mean, c'mon!! This bitch (me) has told you off and you're still pleading for her friendship? Apologizing for something you have no idea why she (I) is so mad about... begging for forgiveness for whatever you've done and simply wanting the friendship back on her (my) terms?!? That's crazy! Nobody does deals like that?!

I read the neverending letter aloud and by the time I got to the three or four choices she gave me on how I could patch back the friendship with her, I'd just about had enough of her nonsense. How can one person be so bossy and insensitive without even realizing it? Ok, my bad, I know she knows she's bossy. She just still believes it's an endearing side of her. Oh well...

Needless to say, I took none of her few options. Yes, I have moved on. So I do feel sorry for her sometimes... but it's not for me to fix her nor her life.

Pa's Birthday

Maybe because of the crowd I'm in these days, sixty doesn't seem to be that old anymore. My father turned sixty today and in the midst of our sushi dinner (due to the 13 hours time difference, we had to call last night), the husband and I called pa to wish him a happy birthday. He sounded to be in good spirits. Good start.

My sweet baby brother took the family to Tenshin (no website yet)- a much talked about Japanese restaurant at the Regent Hotel in Singapore for an uber extravagant tempura lunch. Since I could not think of a good present for pa, I called the Regent Hotel and got Suzie from Something To Go to get a nice chocolate cake delivered to the restaurant via Winnie once the family was done with lunch. Needless to say, the family was happily surprised though the brother had wished I'd been even more thoughtful and picked up the almost S$900 tab. No, of course I left that for mister big shot banker to do his deed :)
齊天大聖之憲在不准笑(音樂課)Part 2

Make sure you check out Part 1 first

If you speak both Mandarin and Fujian, you will appreciate this video :) Then check out part 2